Murphy - You don't need to prove to me

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I walked towards the dropship, arms rested over my chest. I breathed in deeply and looked around, everyone was working away on the wall to keep the grounders out. There was a lot of tension in the camp since Bellamy and Murphy were barely talking to each other, I placed my hand on my cheek and ran my fingers across the cut that was on my face. They were arguing and I tried breaking it up but Murphy elbowed me in the cheeks, making me bleed. 

"Y/n," A male's voice echoed from behind me, I turned to see who it was. Bellamy, "How's your face?" He asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders, "Sore but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be alright," I muttered, I tried turning around to walk away but he grabbed my arm, "Bellamy, let me go," But he wouldn't let go of me. 

"Are you sure you are alright?" He asked again and I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"I am alr-," But before I could finish, Bellamy was knocked to the ground. Murphy was standing over top of him, "Murphy," I screeched. 

"You arrogant asshole," Murphy screamed at Bellamy, I tried grabbing him but Bellamy was on his feet and landing a blow to his stomach. He groaned in pain and my eyes widened when Murphy dodged another punch from Bellamy, everyone was gathering, screaming at the action that was happening. 

"Stop," I tried pulling them apart but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "No, we can't let them fight like this," Murphy was on the ground by now and I pushed the person holding me out of the way and onto the ground, I ran past everyone and covered Murphy with my body. Bellamy stopped instantly, "You two have to get over yourselves, I'm sick of this," I screamed at both of them, people starting walking away. I watched them walk away, but I felt two pairs of eyes on me. 

I looked at them, one had their arms folded over their chest and the other had his hands at his hips. They were both upset about this whole situation, "What is this about?" I pointed between them while glaring at them both, I took in a deep breath and shook my head, "I can't do this," My hands flew in the air and I turned to walk away, they didn't stop me. I walked towards my tent, hurrying inside because I didn't want anyone seeing me. 

I sat on my cot and huffed out, I laid down and stared up at the drapings. Murmurs from outside made me roll my eyes, I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes, "Y/n?" I kept my eyes closed and listened, the drapes made a sound and I looked towards the noise. Murphy was standing inside my tent and I rolled my eyes, turning my head so I was looking up at the draping. 

"What do you want Murphy," I muttered while taking short breaths, I heard his footsteps and I felt the bed dip beside me. I looked towards him, he was looking down at the ground then breathed in deeply, "Why do you both always fight with each other, I don't understand," I asked. 

"Isn't it obvious, we both want your attention," I narrowed my eyes and looked at him, he was looking at me know. He looked serious now, "I want you to know I want to be with you and only you," He muttered, I lifted myself up and rested my hand on his shoulder, "I like you Y/n," He looked at me, I knew he was telling the truth. I breathed in deeply, "Bellamy likes you as well and wants you to notice him," I rolled my eyes and made him look at me. 

He narrowed my eyes, "I don't care what he thinks because I want you, I like you, Murphy," I muttered while gently kissing his cheek, he sucked in a breath then brought his hands up to my face and pressed his lips onto mine. I guided him down to the bed and he hovered over top of me, he pulled away and looked down at me. Smiling down at me and laid down beside me, "You don't need to prove anything to me, Murphy," I whispered while snuggled up next to him. He wrapped his arm around me, bringing me as close to him as possible. 

"I'm glad to hear that," He stated then kissed my forehead, I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I felt him rub my back, I could hear his heartbeat and it soothed me into falling asleep.

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