Roan - Let's Talk PART 1

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I hope you enjoy, i got it from one of the comments in my other chapter.



After she left my room I thought about what she said, she didn't want me fighting in the conclave because she didn't want to lose me. I didn't want to be shamed for backing out of it but I didn't want to lose Y/n as well, I loved her with all of my being and I didn't want to disappoint her. I was still in bed and ran my hand along my face, groaning.

A knock came from the door, "Come in," My voice harsher than I wanted to it be just in case it was Y/n but when the door opened it wasn't her, Echo, "What do you want Echo?" I questioned shifting in my bed and throwing a shirt on.

"I see Y/n left," Her voice cold from the mention of her name, she didn't like her. She thought that Y/n would bring me down with her if she died, I couldn't live without her, "I was waiting until she left to come and talk to you, did she try to get you out of the conclave?" I nodded and looked at her with my eyebrows knitted together, "You know she is only doing it for her own benefit, right," She screamed at me.

I shot up from my seat, "You have no right talking about her like that," I screamed at her picking up something and throwing it in her direction but she moved out of the way, "Get out," And I turned away from her, sucking in a breathe when I heard her footsteps coming closer.

"You know I'm right," Echo stated and she was about to walk out of the door.

"Echo," Her name reached my voice, she stopped in her tracks but she wasn't looking at me, "Maybe you should be the one that fights in the conclave instead of me," I muttered and she quickly turned around which her eyes widened, "I want you to fight in the conclave and I'm not taking no for an answer," She didn't say anything but just nodded her head.

"Is there anything else you want me to do your majesty?" She questioned bowing her head in my direction, "I will be honored to fight in your place," She whispered but I knew she was lying to me.

"I want you to get Y/n for me," She nodded before leaving the room to leave me alone, I looked out the window and I noticed Y/n standing with Bellamy and Octavia. I wondered what they were talking about.


When I reached Bellamy and Octavia they were talking about the conclave, I didn't really want to talk about it but they were like family to me, "Y/n what have you been doing," Bellamy's voice reached my eyes before I got to them, I smiled at them.

"I was with Roan," I mumbled so other people couldn't hear me.

Octavia raised her eyebrows at me, "You know he is fighting in the conclave and there is nothing you can do about it," She stated and I sighed. Knowing it was true, "I just wish it could be someone else from his clan like Echo," She rolled her eyes.

"I tried to talk him out of it but he thinks that he will be killed if he doesn't do it," I muttered and I looked around, everyone was getting ready for the conclave. I wish we could all fit in the bunker or if the Ark was still in the sky, I didn't want to see him die.

"You can't change what is already being done Y/n," Bellamy stated and I nodded turning to walk away but he grabbed my arm, "Y/n," I stopped instantly, "I'm sorry," He whispered so no one could hear him.

"I'm going to get ready," Octavia stated and then walked away, I looked back at Bellamy.

I was on the verge of crying, "I just don't want to lose him," I mumbled under my breathe, one of the tears slipped from my eyes, "It's just going to be hard because what if he does die," I whimpered looking away from him.

"You love him, do you?" He questioned and I nodded my head, "I'm sure he loves you as well and hopefully would do anything for you Y/n but that's how their people are, he has to do this," He stated and I looked back at him shocked.

"That's why you had to shoot Jaha because he was sending Octavia to the ground? Like that? Or was it the time you killed all of those grounders for no reason with Pike, we are just like them Bellamy and don't tell me that we aren't because we do things to survive and if we didn't then we would all die," I explained harshly because of the words I said, I didn't mean to hurt him but I needed to say these things.

"Y/n I know you are hurting," I waved my hand at him to stop from talking.

"Just stop, I can't right now because I might lose the love of my life in a stupid fight so we can survive and I need to be alone right now," I tried to walk away but I heard Jaha's voice stopping me.

"Bellamy will you excuse us?" He questioned and Bellamy nodded his head walking away, "Y/n, you are one of my people and if you need help with anything then I will help you," He stated putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think you can help me with this problem," I muttered shrugging his hand off my shoulder.

He sighed, "Let's talk, okay?" Jaha nodded at me.

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