Roan - Don't Worry About Me

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I stared at him, dumbfounded. My hands rested on my stomach as I watched blood drip from his blade, "Y/n," I heard someone yell then hands rested on my shoulders. I fell to my knees as I coughed, everything hurt. I leaned forward and rested one of my hands on the ground, "Ro- how could y-."

I looked up towards the man that was supposed to be there for me, he stared at me blankly, "I-I d-didn't mean to," I blinked at him, he tried to step forward but someone grabbed him and pinned him to the ground, "Please let me help her," I heard him scream. Everyone was screaming by now, rushing towards me as I finally fell to the ground and everything went black.


I struggled against there hold, "Please let me go to her," I didn't mean to do it, I was going for someone else but she stood between us. I stabbed her for no reason, I wanted to be with her at this moment but they wouldn't let me.

"How dare you, Roan," I heard Clark yell towards me, how could I do such a thing? My arms were pinned behind my back, their doctor came forward and looked at her wounds, "Is she going to be alright mom," She asked the women.

"I won't know for sure but I have to get her back to the Ark," She muttered as they placed down something and placed her on it.

"I would never hurt her on purpose Clark, I swear," I yelled towards her, I had my face shoved into the ground. They didn't want me to talk anymore but Clark wasn't here when this all happened, she walked in when I stabbed Y/n.

"I don't want to listen to what you have to say," She muttered and someone hit me in the back of the head, making me black out completely.

-A Few Hours Later-

I leaned my head against the head steal wall from the Ark, they locked up for stabbing her. I just sat there, waiting for them to come to tell me if Y/n was alright or not. Hopefully, she would be alright.

I closed my eyes, "Y/n's going to be alright no thanks to you," Someone's voice erupted through my ears. I snapped my eyes open, looking towards the person that was talking. Clark. I didn't say anything, I looked away from her, "Do you not even care," She yelled at me.

"Of course, I do," I screamed back, irritated from her words, "I love her with every part of my being," I blinked back tears that were threatening to fall.

"You really think I'm going to believe that," She continued to yell at me, I knew I deserved this, "You went for her an-," But I cut her off and she looked at me shocked.

"I didn't mean to, I was trying to go for someone else," I exploded and she took a few steps back away from the bars when I lunged forward but someone grabbed onto the bars, Y/n.

She had her one arm around her stomach and the other holding her up against the bars, "Y/n, you should be in bed," Clark's voice spoke out but she didn't listen to me, she was always like that. Never listening to anyone because she wants to do what she wants, I loved her for that.

"Roan," Her voice echoed through the room, "I know you didn't do it on purpose, you tried to protect me but that man pulled me in front of him and that's why you stabbed me," she explained.

"That's what happened?" I looked towards Clark and I nodded, "I'm so sorry," I quickly got up from the ground and rushed towards Y/n.

"I'm okay, just a little sore," She tried to comfort me but I wrapped my arm around her waist, she winced in pain, "Don't worry about me."

"This is all my fault," I mumbled placing my head on the bars, "I should have known he would do that to you."

"Don't worry about me," She whispered and I knew she couldn't move, I was just glad that I was here with her right now, "Can we please get him out of here," She spoke to Clarke and she nodded her head then leaving us alone.

"I love you Y/n," She whipped her head towards me, eyes widening, "I do, I love you so much."

She gave me a weak smile, "I love you as well."

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