Roan - I won't.

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I breathed in deeply and my eyes snapped open when I heard a crash, I jolted up, looking around the darkroom. Roan was at my side in seconds, rubbing my back then swinging his legs over the bed. I reached out for him, "What do you think it is?" I asked him a question, he didn't look back at me and didn't say anything. He sucked in a deep breath and reached down to grab an object, he stood up from the bed and in his hand was a sword.

He slowly walked towards the door, "Stay here," He looked back towards me, I didn't move and I just stared at him. He opened up the door, peaking out the door. I slowly swung my legs over the bed, "Y/n," He warned me and I stayed completely still.

I grabbed onto the blanket and pulled it towards me, I watched him walk out the door but I didn't want him going out there alone. He shut the door behind him quickly, I jumped a little when the noise reached my ears. I wondered if I should hide or not, I got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the door. 

Suddenly, I heard noises from the other side of the door. I jolted back and rushed back towards the bed, getting down on the ground and crawling underneath the bed. They continued until they stopped abruptly, I was shaking and I couldn't control my breathing, hot tears were rushing down my cheeks. I heard the door open and I placed my hand over my mouth, they were heavy footstep and they echoed through my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut, I felt someone grabbed my feet and started pulling me from under the bed.

I started screaming, trying to grab onto something but having no luck. Once I was out from under the bed, a man we a huge scar was staring down at me. He finally let go of my ankle and dropped to his knees, I tried moving away from him but he lunged forward towards my throat. I kicked him in the stomach and he groaned in pain, "You little bitch," He growled at me then pressed his hands onto my throat.

I clawed at his hands but he wouldn't lift them, I gasped for air while I tried kneeing him in the back. Darkness started to cloud my vision and I felt my hands go limp but footsteps rushed towards the room, "Let," But I could barely hear them.

He quickly let go of my throat and fell back away from me, I gasped for air and turned over. Looking up and seeing Bellamy and Clark holding guns towards the man that tried to strangle me, "Where's Roan?" My throat was scratchy and Clark nodded towards the other room, I rushed to my feet and moved towards the other room. He was leaning against a chair with his hand over his stomach, I ran towards him. Placing my hand on the wound, "You scared me," I spoke in a hushed tone.

"I know, but I needed to protect you," He spoke then moved a little, he groaned in pain when he did that.

"Don't move," I stated as I watching the blood slowly come out the wound, "Clark," I screamed towards her and she moved into the room with the gun still in her hand. Then out of nowhere, I heard  Bellamy screaming then a gunshot, I jolted and Roan wrapped his arm around me. He rushed out the door and his eyes were wide open.

"He rushed me," Bellamy stated while running his fingers through his hair, I watched him for a moment before turning back towards the man I loved. He was holding down onto the wound, his hands covered with blood. Clark moved towards me and Roan, she peeled his hands from the wound and examined it.

"It didn't go down deep, you'll be fine but we need to get out of here just in case more people come back," She muttered before helping me get him to his feet, he placed his hand back on his wound. We walked slowly out the door and went towards the vehicle that was parked just outside the house, "Roan, why did you leave Polis?" She asked him when we got in.

"I needed to leave," He stated, he groaned as well and rested his head against the metal, "I had to protect Y/n and I had to get her away from your sister," It was true, Octavia was going insane. After we were freed from the bunker, she threatened Roan and I. He knew we had to flee to the prisoners when Diyoza offered for people to come to the valley that the radiation missed completely, "I knew it was a risk but I had to keep her safe," He stated, I sat next to him and rested my head against his shoulder. When the ship came to pick us up, shots were fired and they shot me in the leg. 

Roan carried me the rest of the way, "Don't blame him, I basically had to talk him into it," I muttered then looked up towards him, he rolled his eyes then looked towards the driver. Clark was driving and we were passing by trees quickly, her brows were knitted together, "Clark? What's going on?" The question made her tense up.

"Ummm," She looked towards Bellamy who was sitting in the passenger seat, he looked back towards her, "McCreary is threatening to blow the valley up and Diyoza told us where to find you both, but we just don't know why that man was trying to kill you," She continued to speak and I narrowed eyes towards her.

"It is a good thing we got to when we did though because he wanted you both dead," Bellamy stated as Clark pressed on the gas more, we were speeding towards the center of the valley. Once we got there, a ship was sitting on the ground. People were running towards it, she stopped the vehicle quickly and got out. She rushed towards the back of the vehicle, opening the door to help us out, "Come on," Bellamy came into view and help Roan out of the back, I heard him groan in pain. 

I jumped out of the back and I heard people yelling, screaming. They were telling everyone to get on the ship, I hooked my arm underneath his arm and wrapped my arm around his waist. We hurried towards the ship and made it on the loading dock but we stopped when we noticed the flares in the air, my eyes widened, "Let's go," I heard Clark yelling towards up, we hurried onto the ship and fell to the ground when we knew we were safe.

I looked towards Roan and he was staring back at me, I placed my forehead against his, "Don't you ever leave me," I whispered softly, I couldn't live without him and I didn't want him to die.

"I won't."

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