Bellamy - PART 2

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I was riding towards Arkcadia, hurrying towards the man that told me he was in love with me a few days ago. I didn't say it back, I should have but I was mad at him. Mad at him for doing something that wasn't his fault, Pike influenced him into doing so. This was his fault not Bellamy's. Clark was riding behind me, keeping up with the horse that I was on. She needed to talk to him as well, she could get through to him, I just knew I couldn't get through to him. Clark was the one to do it even though I was there for him in the beginning.

"Come on Clark," I yelled turning my head to see she was getting closer, I needed to see how he was doing. Octavia was beside her on her own horse, we all had to see him, he was getting out of control.

I heard them yelling after me but I didn't pay much attention till I heard Octavia scream my name, making me slow down so they could catch up, "You need to calm down Y/n, he isn't going anywhere," I stopped the horse, looking at his sister, "Trust me he's not going anywhere," She repeated but I didn't want to listen to her.

"I don't care if he is in the same place or not, I need to see him," I stated clicking my tongue to make a sound so the horse would go, she started to gallop towards the camp. Hopefully, I could get there to tell him how I felt.

As Arkcadia came into view, my breathe got caught in my lungs when the guards caught my attention. They both had guns, holding them up as we got closer to them, "Name and state your business," One of the guards ordered as we came to a holt in front of them. We didn't answer them right away and one of them shut in the air, startling my horse.

"You know who I am John, let me through now," I ordered him but he wouldn't listen to me, he just stood there glaring at all three of us, "Fine," I growled under my breath, turning the rains so my horse could turn around.

"We'll find another way in Y/n," Clark whispered when she got closer, I just nodded my head as we road away from the front gate.  

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