Murphy - You are dead to me

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mochi_mochiGirl Here's one of your requests, working on the others. I hope you enjoy! I apologize if it is took so long.

I locked my fingers with his, placing my other hand on the side of his face, "Don't worry love, I'm always going to be here for you," I whispered, Murphy was leaving to get Raven and I needed to stay back here because they needed me. I was an engineer so Kane asked if I could stay with the rest of them, he told me it would be my choice, "Just know that I'm going to love you forever," I whispered. 

"I think you are more worried than I am leaving you hear," He muttered wrapping his arms around my waist, "I just don't want to be without you for who knows how long," He whispered placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"I wish I could as well but they need me here," I mumbled under my breath, I hugged him. Tighter than I have ever hugged him before, I just wanted to be with him but he had to leave. Murphy and I dated when we were on the Arc but he got locked up and he wouldn't see me, wouldn't even talk to me. I was heartbroken then he got sent to check if earth, I was just glad he was here but he would have to leave soon. 

"I love you Y/n," He whispered then kissed my lips, I hummed in content. This just felt so right, "I think I should go," He continued to whispered. 

He let go of me then started to walk away from me, "I love you too Murphy," I yelled after him and he never turned around. 

I shot up, breathing heavily. Looking around the room to find everyone sleeping around me, I whimpered when I realized it was all a dream. I wanted it to be real but the reality was he left me and he wasn't coming back, Octavia told me they all went up to space to live on the ring.

"Y/n?" A voice startled me and I turned to my side to the man I've been with for the passed six years, he looked at me concerned, "Did you have a bad dream?" He questioned wrapping his arm around me waist. 

I stayed completely still, breathing rapidly, "I can't get him out of my mind," I whispered looking away from him, resting my head against the hard pillow, he sighed and rested his head next to mine. 

"Just go back to sleep," He mumbled as he took a deep breath and went into a deep slumber, I kept my eyes glued to the mattress above me. I couldn't sleep after that dream, I didn't want his face to cloud my vision anymore. I stilled loved him but I knew I had to move on since he left and never came back for me, I tried leaving this world but the man beside me saved my life. 

He took my away from the agony of losing someone even though he was only up in the sky, Murphy couldn't choose from me and Amore. The day he left, I told him I loved him and that I wanted him to stay with me but he left and took Amore. I wanted my feelings for him to just disappear, why couldn't I just disappear from all of these feeling. 


I hit my head against the hard against the hard metal, I've made a mistake. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them, I wanted to see Y/n but I knew she didn't want anything to do with me since I took Amore to save Raven. 

Amore doesn't even want to see me, I loved them both but I didn't know who I should choose. Y/n had things that Amore didn't, Amore just caught my interests more than Y/n. I should have stayed with Y/n, I should have never left her for Amore, "Murphy, are you done pouting?" Bellamy's voice replaced the silence and I looked up at him. 

"You said to leave the group so I did," I muttered looking away from her, taking in a deep breath before placing my head against the metal. It chilly in the room we were in, Bellamy stood with his arms crossed, "What do you want Bellamy?" I questioned. 

"I wanted to see if you were alright, wondered if you wanted to come back?" He fired back a question and I shook my head, "Why do you have to fight this, Murphy" He muttered sitting down beside me.

"Why couldn't I just stay with Y/n," I whispered looking towards the window that was pointed towards earth, "Coming here with Amore was a mistake," I stated looking back towards Bellamy, he wasn't staring at me. He was staring at the far wall, he was completely silent, "I know it's stupid but Amore doesn't even want anything to do with me because I told her I didn't love her anymore," I finished. 

"Well, the reason Amore doesn't want anything to do with you is because you told her you didn't love and she figured out that you loved Y/n," Bellamy muttered and I took in a deep breath, "It's not your fault that you loved two people but it's not a good idea to let someone think you loved them when you really don't," He continued to speak and I looked at him, he had his eyebrows furrowed together, "I'm actually in the same position myself." 


"I left someone down there as well and I should have brought them with me," He stated and I nodded my head, "We will get back down to earth but we all have to live together for the time being," He muttered before getting up and walking away but he stopped, "Murphy, don't let your mind play tricks on you," Then he left the room, leaving me to my thoughts. If I saw Y/n again then I would tell her how much she meant to me and I wouldn't let her go.

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