Roan - Let's Talk Part 3

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I stormed out of the room, he didn't follow after me because he knew I would be upset with him. I walked towards the lift, struggling to catch my breath. I didn't know what to do, should I tell someone, tell Jaha. I stepped inside of the lift and waited for them to take me down but someone walked in and stood beside me, Echo. I kept my eyes forward, I didn't want to look at her and I didn't want to give her the satisfaction.

"Why do you always have to put him in danger?" She questioned me and I closed my eyes, trying not to give her the time of day, "Because I would haven't known you for long but I think you are always putting him danger," The lift started to go down, I crossed my arms over my chest, "You always seem to get in trouble and my king comes to your rescue every single time," She finished but she kept looking forward.

I honestly despised her, she thought I was putting Roan in danger but in reality, I've been here for him, "Why does it even matter to you?" I questioned her softly without even looking at her, "You seem to like to get him in trouble as well, like when we were trying to help him when he got shot and you wouldn't let us help him," I fired back at her, she stiffened slightly because she knew she was wrong with it happened.

"Y/n how would I have known if you would have hu-," But I stopped her.

I growled in response, "You think I would have hurt him, you think I would hurt the man I love with all my being," I turned towards her and screamed at her, "Because if we hadn't gotten to him, he would be dead and it would have been your fault," I waved my hands in the air.

She didn't look at me, "I'm sorry Y/n," She whispered and I huffed, "He loves you so much Y/n, I wish I could have something like what you have with him," She stated and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Everyone deserves happiness, especially you," I mumbled then turned away from her when the doors opened and I quickly walked out of the room not wanting to hear any more. I walked out of the large building, people were getting ready for the conclave and I was trying to find Jaha. Everyone from Arcadia was her in Polis now since Polis was only a day away, I hurried towards a building I knew he would be in. walking through the door and spotting me right away, he looked my way and I bit my lip then he nodded.

He placed his hand on the man's shoulder and told me that he had some business to tend to, he walked my way, "What is it Y/n," He muttered when he got out in the street.

"He knows," I stated and he shook his head, "We have to go through with the plan," I added. He looked at me shocked and nodded his head at me, "I know it's wrong but we have to do it, we have to save our people," I whispered when someone walked by the alley.


I stood in the area waiting for the conclave to start, I was more than ready to fight for my people and more importantly fight for Y/n. I banged my swords together when the horn rang through my ears, I screamed and started to run towards the enemies that were standing in my way. I ran around a corner running into someone from another crew, I weaved my sword towards them. He moved out of the way just in time, I swung my other sword at them and it dug into there side. He screamed in pain then tried to kick me away but I managed to kick at his knee making him fall to the ground, I plunged my other sword into his chest and he coughed up blood.

A horn echoed through the air when I pulled my swords out of the corpse then ripped the necklace from his neck, the horn meant that someone was dead but there were three long sounds meaning three people were already dead. I looked up and saw Octavia running away from someone, I squinted my eyes then threw my sword in that direction. It landed on the back of a woman chasing after her, I smiled and quickly ran over but stopped when Octavia came into my view.

"Do you want the necklace or should I take it?" She asked ripping the necklace from the dead body, I didn't say anything. I wondered if she knew about what her people were doing, maybe she was just acting out this so her people could get into the bunker. I didn't tell anyone because if I did then they would kill everyone from Sky crew, especially Y/n and that wasn't going to happen.

"Take it, I'll rip it off your body when I kill you," I muttered and she just nodded and ran towards somewhere, I didn't follow. I didn't have to, I heard another horn. I didn't want to kill anyone but if it was for my people than I would do anything.

It became dark, everything seemed muggy while I walked around waiting for someone to come my way. All of a sudden, I heard noises coming from a building. People were fighting in there, I made my way in that direction. When I got inside I saw Bellamy and Echo fighting, I scrunched my eyes together and stormed in, "What the hell is going on in here," They stopped instantly.

"She was killing people out there, I was only trying to stop her," Bellamy's voice filled the air first and I looked at Echo, "I was only trying to he-," I interrupted him.

"You know if one of the scouts found either one of you, they would drag either one of you out in the center yard and kill you. They would kill me and your sister as well, now go before they find you," I stated and Echo looked away, "Echo for this you won't be going into the bunker and are here now banished, you better run while you can," I added before turning around to walk out the door.

I was almost outside when I felt someone put something on my mouth, I could breathe and it smelled horrible. I struggled against there hold but the smell was making me feel dizzy, I started to black out and began to fall to the ground. When I hit the ground, I opened my eyes slightly to see Y/n's looking down at me, she looked terrified and heartbroken as well. What was going on?

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