Roan - I'm Not Going Anywhere

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He was shot but there was nothing I could do because his people didn't want us helping him, they thought we would kill him. I would never hurt him, he meant to much to me. They took him to the tower, guarded to make sure no one would come in or out. I needed to see him, I had to, "What are we going to do?" I questioned Clarke, staring at her when she was staring off into space.

"The plan is already set into motion and you are going to come with me so you can see him," She stated grabbing my hand pulling me towards the direction we needed to go, "Jaha took Octavia in and covered her to make her look like one of there dead and when she gets out she will kill the guards," She explained. When we got to the doors, we waited until she opened the doors.

I rushed in, "Roan," I gasped stumbling towards him, kneeling down beside him. His breathing was shallow and Abby hurried towards him, "Please save him," I begged her.

"I'm going to do anything to bring him back," She stated taking a look at the bullet hole, she lifted him up seeing if he had an exit wound, "There's none," She said setting him down gently, "Hold his head Y/n and make sure he doesn't move," I did as I was told, positioning myself at his head. Holding it still as she grabbed what ever she needed to get the bullet out, putting them into the wound. He started to squirm under her touch, "Y/n," She yelled at me.

"Roan you need to stop moving," I grip on him tightened to try to keep him from moving, "Please," I begged him but I was pretty sure he couldn't hear me. I rubbed my thumbs along his temple, trying to sooth him.

Clarke held him down as well, Abby positioned them in and she smiled. She pulled the tweezers out of his body, "I got it," The doors busted open, Clark and Abby raised there hands up in the air but I stayed still.

"Get them away from the king," Echo's voice yelled. Her voice carried throughout the room, the guards grabbed them and dragged them towards the door, "Get away from him," She warned me as she stomped towards me, pointed her sword in my direction.

"We were just trying to save h-," But she punched me, sending me flying to the ground.

"I said get away from the king," She threatened me, grabbing a fist full of my hair and made me look up at her, "Kill them," She ordered and my eyes widened.

"No don't do that we were just trying to help," Clarke's voice carried throughout the room.

I sucked in a breath when he drew back her sword, "Get your hands off of her," I deep voice threatened, I looked down seeing Roan was standing up.

"No you are going to hurt yourself," Abby yelled trying to get up from the ground but he pushed her down. Echo let go of my hair, letting me fall to the ground. I breathed heavily, "Y/n are you okay?" She questioned and I looked up at her, nodding.

"Sir they were trying to kill you," Echo stated but I hoped he knew it wasn't true, "You should just kill them."

He groaned when he took a step, "Get out, all of you except Y/n," He demanded and she tried to object, "I said get out," He screamed at her, he took another step and he started to fall. I hurried towards him, grabbing onto him from keeping falling to the ground.

"I got you," I whispered as I wrapped my arm around his torso, "Take it easy," I ordered him and he looked at me, smiling.

Echo took her leave, along with everyone that was in the room beside us, "It has been so long since I've seen you," He muttered, placing the hand that wasn't on his chest to my cheek.

"And I can't believe you got shot, you know I watched. I watched that man shoot you and I couldn't do a thing about it, I thought you were dead," I whispered brining my hand up to grab onto his, I squeezed it slightly, "I had to push through for you."

He nodded, "I'm not going anywhere," He stated placing a soft kiss to my forehead, "You know if you were out there with me and they took aim towards you, I would take the bullet for you. Over and over again," He mumbled placing his forehead against mine.

I smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, "I love you so much your majesty," I mumbled against his lips and he smiled as well.

"I love you as well my queen," His breath hit my face and I missed having him against me.

I sighed, closing my eyes, "You should get some rest," I ordered and he chuckled.

"As you command," And I helped him up onto the table, "Stay with me," And I nodded. Holding his hand, he squeezed my hand tight, he wasn't going anywhere and I was grateful for it. I placed my head on his head, "Y/n, I'm not going anywhere so stop thinking that I'm going to disappear."

"I know," I whispered looking at him, "I just can't think of losing you, you mean so much to me," I muttered.  

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