Finn - You aren't going anywhere without me

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You watched as they were talking to each other, about what happened to Jasper, "Don't you get it he is still alive out there," Clark stated as she tried to walk out of the drop ship but he stopped her, "We have to save him," She yelled at him but he wasn't listening to her.

"Don't you see if we go out there then we are already dead," He stated, sighing and running his hands through his hair, "He is already dead," He added.

"No he isn't that's why we are going out there to save his life," I yelled at him, he looked at me, "If you were the same guy that Clark told me about then you would help," I added getting ready to pass him but he grabbed your arm, "Let me go," I ordered.

He shook his head, "You are not going y/n," He demanded but you weren't listening to anything that he was saying, "I won't let you."

I used my other hand to smack him, "I told you to let me go," That's when he let go of my wrist. I walked away with Clark following behind me, I walked towards the beginning of the camp, "When are we going?" I questioned Clark, turning around to see that Monty was standing beside her.

"Now," She stated, grabbing supplies form the supply part of the camp. She placed it on her back, walking ahead of you to see that she headed for Bellamy, "You are coming with us," She ordered, he gave her a look.

"What makes you think that I'm going with you?" He questioned, knitting his eyebrows together.

"Because if you don't then everyone here will know that you are a coward," Clark mocked him, declaring him a coward to everyone if he didn't come with us, "Plus I know you have a gun," She quitted her voice so only our small group could hear, even though I'm pretty sure the whole camp knew by now.

"Fine I'll come," He nodded, "But he is coming with us," He pointed at Murphy. She just shrugged, telling them to come on.

We walked out of camp, walking throughout the woods to find Jasper. I stayed close to Clark, hoping not to get lost. Jasper was one of my friends from before we came down here, "Do you think that they'll help us?" I whispered looking at Clark, she turned her head, looking at the two men that were talking to each other, "I don't trust them," I muttered.

"I don't either but they are all we got," She stated looking back ahead to see where we were going, "Plus did you want to go out with some protection?" She questioned, looking at me. I shook my head, "That's what I thought."

"So princess since we are going with you, I think you both should take these off," Murphy muttered quickly walking in front of us, wrapping at my wrist. I snatched it away, "What you don't need them," He added, I pushed him away.

"Get away from her," Wells stated stepping between us, "You took mine off that's good enough, isn't it?" He fired a question looking from Murphy to Bellamy.

"Well it would certainly be better if you took them off," Bellamy chipped in, taking a step forward.

"That's not going to happen," I stated, pointing at him, "You think that just because you have a gun that you are the big bad person that everyone should be afraid of," I added taking a step forward, I wasn't afraid of him. If he pointed the gun at me then that would be his choice, not mine.

He glared at me, confused on why I would challenge him. I shook my head, "Woah what's going on here?" Finn's voice spoke out of nowhere, we all looked in the direction of his voice. He was standing on a hill, "Shouldn't we be looking for Jasper?"

"Yes that's exactly what we should be doing," Clark stated walking away, Bellamy and Murphy along with Wells followed behind her. I looked at Finn, confused.

"You think that I would go anywhere without you," He stated as he got closer to you, "Plus I think you need some protecting, princess," Then he kissed my cheek. Making my cheek flush.

"You are so frustrating, let's get going," I grabbed his hand, dragging him along so we didn't get lost or lose our small search party. 

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