Roan - Let's Talk Part 4

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I moved my arm and hurt a jingle sound, my head was against something hard. I opened my eyes and looked around to see that Bellamy was sitting across from me, he was staring back at me. I rocked my head forward, "What happened?" I rubbed my hand down my face, groaning at the sudden headache that appeared.

"We are in the bunker with everyone else outside, Octavia is out there as well," I knitted my eyebrows together and tried the yank the chain that kept me in this place, in this room, "Clark came in and told me that they won't open the door, they locked us in this room until prymefire is done and over with," He stated and I looked towards the door.

"Where's Y/n?" I asked him and he tried taking the handcuffs off as well.

"She's probably with Clark but she made a deal with Jaha to get you down here," He confessed and I shook my head because I knew she wouldn't do that, "I think they got us when we came out of the building when Echo was shooting arrows," He stated and I snapped my head in his direction.

"Why would she do that?" I questioned him again.

"Because she's in love with you but it's wrong that they are leaving everyone out there," I didn't know what the door, I couldn't go anywhere but I was angry with her at the moment, "They won't come to the door and I think Murphy is out there guarding the door," He stated and I banged my head against the wall.

All of a sudden, the door opened and Y/n came into view. She lingered by the door, afraid that I was blow up at her which I was on the verge of doing, "What do you want?" I asked her calmly and she stiffened knowing I was upset with her.

"I just wanted to check if you were alright," She muttered coming into the room fully and shutting the door halfway, "I didn't want it to come down to this," She added looking away, she knew she was wrong.

"You have no idea how wrong you are, those people up there are my people and you are murdering everything single one of them," I snapped at her and she jumped back, she looked towards Bellamy and he wouldn't look at her, "You think I'm ever going to forgive you," I started to say but when she started to tear up, "I don't like seeing you cry Y/n but this is wrong and it needs to be fixed."

"I know you think I'm a horrible person but I'm doing it for us," She turned to leave but I struggled against the handcuffs, "Please stop or you are going to hurt yourself," She muttered before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

"I will never forgive you," I screamed after her.


When I shut the door, "I will never forgive you," I heard through the door, I broke down and rested my back against the wall beside the door. What have I done? Tears slipped down my cheeks and I couldn't contain myself anymore, I had to let it all out.

I slid down the wall and cried in my hands, I then rested my head against the wall and sucked in a shaky breath. I didn't want him to be mad at me but I thought this was the right thing because I couldn't be without him, what if he died out in the conclave? I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over to see Murphy staring at me, "You should go get some sleep," He stated and I shook my head.

"He's never going to forgive me, Murphy, what am I suppose to do?" I questioned him and he shrugged his shoulders, "You wouldn't know because Amory is down here with you," I muttered and I looked away from him.

"Come on," He went to grab my arm but I moved away from him, "Y/n please you can't just stay here, it's not healthy," He muttered and I kept my eyes away from him.

"I'm not moving," I stated then looked at him, I was pretty sure my face was completely red and my nose was probably running, "I'm staying here till he can be let out," I mumbled and he nodded, he lifted himself up and walked to the other side of the hallway.

"If you aren't leaving then I'm not going to leave you alone," He started and I rolled my eyes at him, "What? You shouldn't be alone right now, you look a mess," He finished and I closed my eyes. His words echoed through my head, 'I'll never forgive you.'

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