Monty - One True Love

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1 Year Later

I watched them as they slept, staring at all of the pod that was in cryosleep and wondered if it was the right decision to stay awake. Monty's arm wrapped around my waist and he kissed my cheek, "Come on we have to do the video," He muttered and I looked at him, I smiled weakly at him, "Don't worry we'll see them again," He mumbled taking my hand and walking me towards the control center.

"We wanted this life right, we wanted to live out and be in love," I started leaning into him as well continued to walk, he wrapped his arm around my waist again and squeezed me into a hug making us stop in our track, "It's been a year Monty, what if in the future we think we made a mistake?" I questioned doubting the decision that we made.

He sighed, hugging me tighter, "If you want to go into cryosleep then I'll have it arranged and we'll both go but I think having you by my side instead of sleeping is more of an award than anything," He mumbled against my ear and then I realized this would be the right decision.

"Come on," I pulled away and we walked the rest of the way to the command center, we sat down in the chairs that were placed in front of the camera.

He leaned forward and pressed play, "Hi guys, I know what you are thinking. That we should have gone to sleep like you guys but we think this was the best choice for us," He began to talk and I wrapped my arm with his, he looked at me and smiled at me, "It's only been a year and of course the earth isn't viable yet but that's to be expected," I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead.

"I hope you all are having a peaceful sleep," I laughed when I said that knowing that they were.

Monty chuckled at me, "But yes we decided to do these videos to give you someone to remember us when we were in our younger days," He started, "Well that's all for now," He leaned forward to turn the camera off then looked back at me. He moved forward to kiss me and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders getting up off the chairs and kicking them out of the way, he gently guided me to the floor. We continued but little did we know; the camera was still recording.


2 year later

I turned on the camera quickly and swiftly made my way towards Y/n, she was six months pregnant, "Hey guys, we just wanted to tell you that Y/n was pregnant," I started rubbing her swollen belly, I smiled down at her, "We came up with a name today," I began to say but Y/n stopped me.

"We decided that its Jordan, it fits for either a boy or a girl," She muttered and I kissed her forehead, she was rubbing her stomach as well, "We can't wait till you meet him or her, I know I can't wait to meet our baby," She continued to talk and I kept looking at her, I knew that I loved her so much.

"You should go lay down," I stated and she nodded at me, she started to walk away but I pulled her back to give her a soft kiss on her lips, "I love you," I whispered and she whispered those words back, she walked into the other room, "So its been two years since we put you all to sleep and the Earth is still not showing any signs of life but that's to be expected, " I started to say and I looked in the direction that Y/n walked in, "Y/n is starting to lose hope but I know we will get through this, we have a mini one of us coming soon and I can't wait but I think that's it for now," I finished walking towards the camera and shutting it off and making sure that it was off this time.

3 months later

I turned on the camera while holding Jordan in my arms, he was just born an hour ago, "Hey guys, he's born and he's so beautiful," I began to tear up because I've never loved something this much in my life, "He has Y/n's nose but he is just so perfect," I was lost for words.

"Y/n is resting but I wanted to let you know that everything went smoothly and we are all fine," I started then looked down at the baby in my arms, "To our surprise we had twins and the other baby didn't make it," I looked down at the ground tearing up but looked back up and letting the tears fall, "I guess that's all for now," I quickly turned the camera off and wiped away the tears.

10 years later


I carried the camera around the ship, "Hey guys, it's been 10 years now and Jordan is eight now. We took a page out of Clark's parenting book and told him about all of you. He says that Murphy is his favorite," I started to say and laughed a little when the thought came to mind about Murphy being Jordan's favorite person.

I heard footsteps coming my way and, in my view, came Jordan running with Y/n chasing after him, I turned the camera towards them, "I'm going to get you," Y/n's voice echoed through the halls then I turned it back towards me.

"We are all pretty happy here but we wish that our little girl was here with us as well," I tried to keep that memory out of my mind as much as possible, we tried another child but it never happened for us but the good thing came out of it was Jordan. I couldn't be happier to have him in my life, "But guys I don't think the earth is coming back because it's not showing anything that proves we could survive down there," I stated and looked towards the direction my family went, "I guess that's it for now," I added before turning off the camera and dropping my arm to my side.

28 years later


"Hey guys its been a long time since we recorded one of these and we just put Jordan in cryo, he's a good boy," Monty began to say when the camera began to roll.

"He's smart like his father," I began to say then Monty cut me off before I could say anything else.

"Kind like his mother as well," He had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, "We choose this life, he didn't. Hey," Then he sat down and I looked at him, "if you are watching this kiddo, we love you so much. Did you follow my instructions? I'm sure you did so hey Bellamy, Clark," He began to speak and I wrapped my arm with his, "We wanted him to wake you before everyone else but Earth isn't coming back, it's as dead as we left but I'm working on a plan B. And if you are aware that means I found it," He sighed, he reached for the camera button but I stopped him.

"Wait," I breathed out, "Bellamy, Clarke please take care of our boy. And Jordan we love you so much," I muttered before reaching up and shutting the camera off then wiping the tears away that were falling.

125 year later


I slowly sat down in my chair alone, Y/n wouldn't be coming this time because she passed away a few hours ago. I turned towards the camera, "Jordan your mother died today, she was pretty sick these past few years. She got a virus and couldn't get better, sometimes I knew she wanted to be with you and maybe I wanted that to but we didn't then we wouldn't have been able to show you this," I began to say hoping I wouldn't tear up, "Son," Hoping he would open the window, "It took me thirty years but I finally cracked it open but I found this place for you, I set the coronets a week ago and I'm half tempted to put myself in cryo but I can't do it without Y/n."

"Is it beautiful, I sure hope it because I know it is in my dreams. I tried radioing down there but no one is answering but that was after everything happened and I hope Jasper is wrong that we will be able to prove to him that we aren't the destruction. Be the good guys, may we meet against," Then I reached forwards and turned the camera off one last time, leaning back into my seat and crying for the lose of my one true love.

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