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"Officer Park!" A police officer called out, clutching a walkie talkie in his hand. "There's been an emergency. A fire has erupted in Insa Dong."

"Yes sir!" Jimin rushes to his car, making his way to the accident. The fire department was already there, pulling out their hose. Jimin got to work, some other police officers had shown up too.

Working together they set up cones. The fire truck was taking up road space, and some officers were assigned to directing traffic. Jimin ended up keeping the spectators away from the burning building, repeatedly telling them not to worry and to continue their walk.

Not that they left. The cloud of smoke was rising higher and the Alright night sky was cast with a shadow. The light of the fire and the city lighting the cloud. It would be beautiful if it's wasn't saddening.

Finally the detective arrived, walking over to greet Jimin. "Do you happen to know how long until the forensic scientists get here?"

Jimin's speaker turned on, answering that very question, "not long anymore it seems."

The detective nodded, "Has anyone spoken about what might be the cause of the fire?" He pulled out a notebook, ready to write down notes. He truly is a detective.

Jimin modded, "It's believed to be either an oven left on or a smoker on the higher floors. The floor is discovered to have started half way up the building."

The detective nodded, "The fire doesn't look like it's completely out yet. Guess I'll have to wait a bit more, it was a pleasure speaking to you Mr.Park."

Jimin bowed and gave a thank you, resuming his role. The crowd was calming down, but there were several phones in the air. No doubt they would be on the news in a few minutes, actually it probably already was.

Eventually the fire died down, and Jimin resumed his job as a police officer. With a notebook he went around to all the people who were inside the building. He wrote down names and asked if they had places to stay for the night.

Those who didn't would either be invited somewhere with their neighbor or be offered to stay at the police station until there was somewhere they could go.

Part of his job also came with comforting. Making sure that the victims are unharmed. Reassuring them that everything would be okay. And sometimes, sending them to the ambulance.

"Mr.Park, thank you for coming even though your shift ended." A coworker walked by, smiling and patting Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin handed him the notepad, "I became a police officer to help people, in just doing my duty."

"It's still an amazing feat. This country is lucky to have you."

"I'm not a war veteran, don't speak so highly of me. Is there something you wanted me for?"

"I just wanted to tell you that we have everything under control now. The fire department has deemed it safe to enter the building, but it's closed off to only the detective and forensic scientists. We can manage the rest now."

Jimin bowed, "Thank you."

Jimin went back to the police station, again changing out of his uniform. It was only when the uniform came off that he realized how tired he truly was. His body sank, refusing to continue.

Jimin left and drove him. He forced his body to be energetic, the last thing he wanted was to get injured after spending his time helping citizens. It was be ironic, however.

At home Jimin walked to his apartment. Tired and sleepy he walked the stairs to his floor, and shoved in the key. He didn't even bother turning on the living room light. He walked in the dark to the bedroom.

Jimin collapsed onto his large bed. He released a heavy sigh, the silence in the room making him feel a little lonely. The usually lively and energetic house was void of emotion.

It was only temporary, but Jimin still felt as if the house needed more. He wanted to have more company.

"It's only for a little while." Jimin mumbles, deciding to plug in his phone.

It rang.

"Jimin? Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I was awake. Don't worry about it."

"You shouldn't be up so late."

"Miss you too."

The guy on the other end sighed, "I wish I could stay home with you. It's so empty and alone there, isn't it?"

"A little bit. I'll be okay, you guys won't be gone for that long. How are you doing over there?"

"I haven't gotten the accompaniment yet, but otherwise the conductor is pretty nice. I get to practice without too much of a distraction."

"I'm happy for you. I wish I could see you perform."

"I'll give you a person performance when I get back. Promise."

"You better." Jimin pouted a little. "I can't wait to see you again."

"I'll be back before you know it. Soon all three of us will be together again."

"I ant wait. It's late and I'm tired, good night."

"Night, love you!"

"Love you too." Now feeling less lonely Jimin hung up the phone and went to shower. In no time at all he was done, brushed his teeth, and collapsed onto his bed.

But he couldn't truly sleep. A word that had been said over the phone kept echoing in his head. Promise. It bounced around, not letting him sleep. Deciding to stop ignoring it he sat up, wondering why it was spinning around so much.

He said the word out loud, and was starting to get restless. He rushed out of his room and grabbed a guitar that was shared among all of them. He strummed it, it wasn't tuned. Angrily he hurried to tune it and started testing out some strings while saying promise. 

It didn't fit. "You're mine." The words tumbled out as he strummed a chord, and that's when it clicked. The word promise wasn't what he wanted, it was the feeling it gave. Jimin should've slept, but he just couldn't. He stayed up, far into the night, making a song.

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