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I have so many unfinished writings, and two more that I want to start. But both need more research. And one requires me to draw. Anyway, this story has become my priority. Trying to push out a bunch of chapters as fast as I can without fail. I don't update often, but I'm constantly working on this. There's so much I want to happen and it's painful to force myself to not jump from event to event and write in order. Update: It's five stories now.


Ha Yang grabbed Jackson's legs, pulled them apart, and sat in between them so that her back was to his chest, "Give me attention."

Jackson sighed, "Why me?"

"Mama isn't here and you are. Now hug me!"

"You're acting like a child."

"I prefer the term spoiled brat, not worship me."

"What if I don't feel like it?"

"I will buy more soap." Ha Yang snapped angrily.

"Why do you keep threatening me with that? What do you even do with all of that soap?"

"Donate it mostly. I just want to make you suffer, and what better way to do that than rob your bank account?"

"You qualify as a thief you know. Legally I could have you arrested."

"I'm not stopping you."

Jackson sighed and finally hugged Ha Yang, "Fine, I'll give you attention. What do you wanna do?"


Jackson whistled, "You're tired from watching Shuyang, aren't you?"

"It's not him. It's all of the activities he does, and he refuses to drop a single one. I'm like a headless chicken, traveling to a bunch of places. I have to remmber what he needs to each activity, and that he's well fed, rested, did all his homework. Not to mention, I have to set aside quality time with him, but he's so obsessed with his friend that he ignores me. He's not trying to but- kids are so exhausting."

"This is why you don't adopt kids on a whim."

"I love him, I truly do, I'm a happy mother, but he's so much work. I had to dye my hair! I am so stressed my hair has changed color!"

"Beauty is temporary, don't stress about it so much."

"I'm paying so much attention to it BECAUSE it's temporary! For a few years I'm breathtaking, I'm taking advantage of that!"

Jackson sighed, "You care more about your looks that your son?"

"No, I just..." Ha Yang sighed, "I want there to be a way to have both. You don't understand, you're not a dad."

Jackson shrugged, "I guess so. I disagree, but there's no way to tell. I'd need to get a son to know."

Ha Yang was quiet for a second, "Do you want to be a dad?"

"Maybe? Being a dad is tempting, but I haven't had a real talk about it with Mark and Jinyoung."

Ha Yang hummed, "I know an orphanage. Why don't I take you there? Maybe you'll decide if you want to be a dad or not."

"Aren't you trying to relax by being away from kids?"

"No, I'm trying to relax by acting like a kid. Let me take of my jewelry, then we can go."

"You really want me to go? Why?"

Ha Yang shrugged, "I'm just curious, what's going to happen once you get there? Who knows. Anyway, I want to play with some of the kids, but I can't do that with dangling stuff."

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