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Weird, Got7 might not be around anymore, which is really painful to think about. But at the same time, screw JYP.

Also, my entire family is sick with covid. Including myself. Can't smell food, but the taste is still there!


"This is really important." Mark said, Jinyoung rubbing his arms beside him. 

"Okay." Jackson said in a confused tone, not understanding why they were so tense. Was it about Zeyu again? Whatever it was he was sure they could handle it. Anything that was thrown their way could be figured out.

"Zeyu, can you give us a minute please?" Jinyoung led Zeyu out of the room and closed the door. Oh, it was something that Zeyu couldn't hear.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

Jinyoung and Mark held hands, "It's actually something we've been wanting to tell you for a while now."

"Alright, get on with it then."

They were quiet, looking at each other back and forth. They were waiting for the other to talk. Mark was beginning to shake a little, it looked like he was having a hard time breathing. Jackson rubbed his shoulder. "Hey, whatever it is, I won't be mad. I promise."

"Ok, so, it's not that big of a deal since it was in the past." Mark started slowly. 

"Uh, weird. What do you mean?"

"I beat up Mark because I didn't want to share you with him."

Jackson started coughing, "What?" He didn't assume Jinyoung was lying, but he still struggled to believe what was being said.  He looked between the both of them.

Mark started rubbing his arms, "Remember when we first started the relationship? We both lied. We hated each other."

"You two lied to me? Mark, Jinyoung hurt you?"

Jinyoung side hugged Mark, "I was wrong, and I've been working hard to make up for it."

"We didn't want to force you to choose, and you were so happy when we decided to share." Mark tried to explain.

"Where are you going?"

"That's not important right now. Zeyu!"

In a few seconds Zeyu peeked into the room, "Yes?" He had entered with a smile, but once he sensed how tense the room was he lowered his head.

"Can you get your jacket? I need to take you somewhere."

Zeyu rushed out of the room and grabbed his jacket. He also brought along his backpack. He looked sad as he followed Jackson out of the house and the two of them began their walk.

Jackson didn't even look at Zeyu, and the air around him was still tense. Zeyu hugged his arms and kept his head low. He felt tears falling but swallowed them down. Jackson, too lost in his own world, didn't notice.

"Oh, hey?" Ha Yang opened her door and stepped aside to let them in. "Is there something I can help you with?" She noticed the crying Zeyu right away, but remained silent.

"Could you watch Zeyu for a bit?"

"How long is a bit exactly?"

"Thanks." And Jackson turned around and left.

Mark was rubbing his eyes empty of the tears he had, "He doesn't want to see me."

Jinyoung sighed, assuming the mature role in all of this, "He doesn't want to see any of us. That's why he's taking Zeyu."

"Where is he going? Hiding from us?"

"Mark, when Jackson called Zeyu, what did it look like he was about to do?"

Mark lifted his head, trying to keep his gaze up, "He looked like he was about to yell. He hates yelling."

"Whenever we disagree Jackson always makes sure that Zeyu can't hear us. He doesn't want to make Zeyu upset."

"I just hope he comes back soon." Mark collapsed on the bed and bounced a little. "What am I supposed to do once he gets back."

"Just stay quiet, he'll talk to us when he wants to. Don't cry.. come here." Jinyoung snuggled Mark and let him cry into his shoulder. Jinyoung wasn't upset with anyone, they both had their own reasons to be upset. They could work it out together.

There was the sound of the lock turning, the door opening, and then closing.

Jackson groaned, rubbing his nose bridge. "Fuck."

Mark peeked out of the bedroom, "Jackson? Are you okay?"

"I don't want to talk about it with you right now." Jackson snapped, rubbing his face furiously. Mark pulled his head back into the room slowly.

"He hates me." Mark whispered numbly. 

Jinyoung pulled him into a hug with a deep breath, "Don't worry about it, he'll be fine if we just give him some time."

Mark bear hugged Jinyoung, hanging off of him, "I don't like it when he's mad."

"Let's just put on a movie until we have to cook."

When Mark got up to cook Jackson had already placed a pot of soup to boil. Jackson was pacing, refusing to talk or look at Mark.

"Where's Zeyu?"

Jackson collapsed onto the sofa. "Ha Yang."

"Oh." Mark placed a plate on the counter, "Are you hungry?"


Mark prepared a plate for him and Jinyoung, bringing the bowls to the room. Sometime later, Jackson wasn't sure how much time it was, Mark came back and placed the bowls in the sink. He washed them and quietly went back to the room.

The house was never this quiet when there are people inside. In no time at all the sun went down, and Mark fell asleep. He was tired out more than usual due to his crying earlier. With the living room lights still on Jinyoung went to turn them off.

"Zeyu will stay with Ha Yang for two days." Jackson spoke up from the sofa. Jinyoung couldn't see him from the light switch.

"Ok." Jinyoung turned off the light and was about to go back to the bedroom.


"Yeah?" Jinyoung waited in the dark for an answer, which he didn't get. He walked over to Jackson and squatted down in front of him. His sad eyes were glowing in the dark. "What is it?"

Again no answer.

"If that's all..."

Jackson held Jinyoung's hand, "I'm sorry. Stay here, please?"

Jinyoung climbed onto the sofa on top of Jackson, "Alright."

Jackson took a deep and long breath, "I'm sorry, it's just-"

"Don't worry about it. Just go to sleep for now. We can talk tomorrow."

Jackson hugged Jinyoung tightly, scared that he would leave, "I'm sorry." Jinyoung ignored him, patting his head and humming.

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