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Ha Yang can rap.


A woman burst through into the cafe and, ignoring all the weird stares she was getting, yelled out, "Mark!"

"Someone else will be with you shortly." Mark said sweetly, holding a pot of freshly made coffee. He didn't mind the loud yelling, he's seen drunk people before, and regardless of their actions he needed to make sure to not make them aggravated.

"No, I need you!"

It was the desperate look that made Mark stop walking towards the employee only kitchen, "What is it?" How far was this drunk person willing to go? Mark got ready to hit the 'call manager' button just in case.

"I'm helping film a movie but our barista has just quit on is and we REALLY need someone to replace him."

"And you want me because...?" This was getting weirder the minute. Were they high too?

"Because you're nice and literally the only person left on my list of baristas so please!"

Mark contemplated, "How far away is the filming?" He decided to entertain the person, just make them feel like he was actually paying attention.

"It's in Europe."

"Oh, no no. I always spend the summers with my family."

"Not the summer, now. Literally, then need you back by like, yesterday."

Mark shook his head, "No! I can't miss work!"

"We'll pay you!"

Mark didn't believe her.

Ha Yang blushed, "Well actually the budget is shot so we can't but-"

"No, I'm not doing it" Please leave now.

"Please! Just quit!"

"No!" Mark exclaimed, holding the coffee pot close to him, "I need this job! I can't work for free? I'll starve!"

She groaned and removed both of her earring, "Here," she grabbed Mark's hand and dropped both into his hand, "These sell for about $12,000 each."

Mark shook his head, "But I like working here. And they won't just fire me."

She sighed, "You're really drying my patience." She jumped over the counter, grabbed Mark's arm, and dragged him around the counter. Mark had been taught no fighting, no touching the customers. That makes things worse. She went up to a couple and poured the coffee pot over their table.

Ruining their crêpe, ruining their coffee cake, ruining their hot chocolate, and ruining their mood. Ha Yang then threw the pot and shattered it. Not close enough to hurt anyone, but close enough to annoy people.

She smiled to a now crying Mark, "There, you're fired. Now get in the limo outside the director wants us there in an hour."

"I hate you." Mark was stunned, staring at the customers in horror. His instincts screaming at himself to do something and apologize.

"I can live with that," She checked the time on her watch before removing it and handing it to the couple, "Sells for a lot, treat yourselves, sorry about that by the way."

She grabbed the sobbing Mark and forced him to go to the Limo outside. She had some men go to his house and grab some random clothes, as well as find his passport. Then they were off, Mark was NOT happy. She also said her name was Ha Yang.

Ha Yang didn't mind that much, she was furiously texting on her phone. She informed the director, but it appears he didn't see anything. He must be busy.

Mark was quiet the entire ride, he was more of a shell of a human than an actual human. He was not in a good place, mentally. So soon as the plane landed Ha Yang got a taxi and sped to the filming sight.

Ha Yang explained to him what would be expected of him at his new "job" and called over an available crew member to show him where he would be working. When he asked why they needed him so suddenly she simply said that the last barista had quit.

"I don't want to do this." He sounded so different now. His eyes were so dull, he really did love his job back in Korea.

"I can tell," Ha Yang stepped out of the taxi and waved her hand to the crew member, who was jogging their way over. Ha Yang turned to Mark, "But you're going to have to deal with it."

They arrived at the filming site. Ha Yang turned to pay the taxi driver when she received a tap on her shoulder. She turned to be faced with a woman she had never met before.

"Can I help you?" Ha Yang paused on paying the taxi driver.

The woman gave a quick bow, "The Director wanted me to tell you that he needs you to go out and find a vet."

Ha Yang groaned, "I gave to go back?!?! I only know one vet, and he's in Korea, AND I WAS JUST THERE!" Mark just watched silently, not even enjoying the fact that now Ha Yang was upset.

The woman grimaced, "I'm sorry, but this is urgent. The director wants to make sure all the horses are in good health throughout the filming."

Ha Yang rubbed her hands down her face, "Do you seriously want me to force someone else to work for free? One is enough but two?"

"Oh don't worry! The original vet canceled before receiving any payment."

Ha Yang but her lip, "Are you saying the the original barista accepted the payment before actually working and then ran away with it?"

"In a short sentence, yes." Mark was wondering if Ha Yang was worse than this last barista. He quickly decided that yes, she was worse.

Ha Yang rubbed her eyes, "Dang that guy was greedy, alright. I'll go back to Korea and get ANOTHER PERSON to come here." She went back into the taxi and left.

The woman greeted herself to Mark. She was a crew member, fantastic. She rushed to get Mark to his new job. It wasn't an actual cafe, just a food truck with the insides set up to make coffee. Why not just start filming near a dunkin donuts? She answered him but he honestly couldn't remember what she had said.

Would that couple at the cafe press charges? Probably. After that happened to them? The police would take the jewelry, track it back to Ha Yang, and arrest her. Unless they decided not to do that, to cash in the jewelry and keep that money as hush money. It was a wait and see game.

As soon as Mark was put in the food truck a line formed. He didn't feel anything. He put the apron on and did what he knew to do, take orders.

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