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You're not supposed to like Ha Yang. There are things that need to happen but don't happen by chance, they need to be initiated by someone. Instead of making several useless characters I made one. She is the personification of useless characters.

"Oh... it's you again."

Yugyeom brushed his hair back, "What kind of a welcome is that?"

BamBam places his hands on his temporary counter, "Welcome, how can I be of assistance for you today?"

Yugyeom leaned onto the counter so that his face was in front of BamBam's, "I'm visiting the most beautiful man I know."

BamBam rolled his eyes, "I should really make you stop coming here every day. It's annoying at times."

Yugyeom smiles, "I'm so glad you haven't yet. Nice to know that my charms are working. I've always had that air about me."

"Quite full of yourself I see."

"It's a good thing, seeing as it's working."

"I never said I was falling victim to your charm. Simply that you're worth the distraction, sometimes." BamBam pushed himself off of the counter, instead going to his temporary desk and going through some paperwork.

Yugyeom grabbed a nearby chair and went to sit beside him, "Is it impossible for me to charm you?"


Yugyeom smiled, "I guess I'll have to work on turning that maybe into a yes."

"It might take a long time, I'm not the easiest catch out there." BamBam looked at Yugyeom briefly, returning to his work soon after.

"The best things in life are often the hardest to achieve."

"Except that I'm no reward. Regardless of how powerful your flirt game is, it's still up to me."

Yugyeom's face lit up, "That's even better! You choosing me means there's something you like about me!"

"Yo! Mr. Sexy lips!" Ha Yang burst into the room, before collapsing and falling against the closest wall. Hwasa came in behind her.

"Sorry, she's not in her best state right now."

"No thanks to you!" Ha Yang hissed, "Help me sit down."

"Of course baby." Hwasa carried Ha Yang and placed her in a chair.

"It's nice to see you again Ha Yang, and you too Hwasa. How have you two been?" BamBam looked away from his paperwork to greet them with a smile, completely ignoring Yugyeom who was before him.

"I've been well, thank you." Hwasa began to pet Ha Yang's hair.

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