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I can't stand this story anymore and I kept getting mad at myself so this is the last chapter. I didn't want to leave you hanging so here I am trying to tie up some loose ends and trying to make this story right. Sorry for not making this last longer.


"Happy birthday dear Zeyu, happy birthday to you! Wooo!" The large family cheered as Zeyu blew out the candles. The camera lights were flicking as the teen gave a large smile to the crowd.

Min Grui elbowed Shuyang quietly, passing on the message. Zeyu made the first cut into the cake, as soon as he handed the knife off the plan went into action. Hanyu, who was on the other side, started talking to Zeyu. Shuyang took this chance to smear frosting into Zeyu's cheek and run away.

"Hey!" Zeyu called out, the adults in the room laughing wildly at the display. Jackson took charge of cutting the cake and setting out plates. The kids sat around the table and energetically ate their cake. As soon as they finished they left the kitchen back to their games and discussions.

Mark nudged Jackson, "So, who are these people in our house right now?"

Jackson shuffled closer to him, "They're friends of friends... I think."

"You think or you know?"

"They're from Jinyoung's side, I didn't really argue when inviting people."

"Wonderful, just wonderful. I'm gonna ask him since you're no help."

"Love you too." Jackson gave a quick small kiss. "Also, I'll need your help right before midnight with the presents."

"Got it." Mark went into the crowd that was filling up his house. "Jinyoung, could you help me in the kitchen for a second?"

"Yeah of course, excuse me." 

"Who the fuck are these people?" Jinyoung chocked on his soda laughing at the sudden and slightly aggressive question.

"You know Youngjae is my best friend, right?"

"Yeah, we met him at the filming of the movie."

Jackson joined in on the conversation, "He was in charge of the soundtrack along with Jaebum. I know Jaebum, but the other people?"

Jinyoung laughed, "Yeah, here's where it gets a little confusing. Jaebum and Youngjae are exs, the girl next to Jaebum is his fiance, are you following me so far?"

"I think so, keep going anyway." Mark grabbed Jinyoung's soda and started taking his 'share'.

"Suga is Jaebum's best friend, also a music producer. Jimin and Hoseok are married to Suga, Jimin is a police officer and Hoseok is a dancer. Are you following me so far?"

"No, but keep going anyway. Maybe I'll figure it out eventually." Mark groaned.

"I think I'm following along, but you'll have to repeat yourself again later." Jackson motioned for Jinyoung to go on.

"BamBam is best friends with Suga, and Yugyeom is his roommate. Yugyeom is married. So, to recap. Youngjae is my bestfriend, he brought his ex who is engaged, that ex brought two friends, one of which has two husbands, and the other brought another friend and they're married."

Mark sighed and downed the rest of the soda, "When we get married I'm going to have a strict no plus one policy."

"As you wish." Jackson gave a small bow, which got a few shoves.

Jackson counted in his head, "At the moment there are... 29 people in our house."

"Did you count us?"

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