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In reality, if Korean Idols didn't exist South Korea would still be destroyed by war and economically struggling to survive. However, the suicide rate and child abandonment rates would decrease. There's really no positive.


Jaebum couldn't forget how awkward it was. He thought the two of them had been going strong, getting along well and being overall happy with each other. But things have been getting awkward. Jaebum couldn't figure out why, what had happened between them? He planned to work it out, to sit down and find a solution. They both needed it.

Well, he knew why. He was just hoping that it was something else. That there was another issue he wasn't thinking about that was the true cause. The reason it probably was kept annoying him at the back of his mind; but admitting it was true made him feel guilty.

Jaebum walked into the theater, he came to watch a good movie and that's what he'd do. He bought his ticket and made his way to his assigned room. There was an event going on. Instead of a new movie playing, it was all the old ones. A good classic that pulls at your heart. It makes you cry, and Jaebum brought the necessary tissues.

Jaebum turned his head, seeing that he wasn't only one crying. He locked eyes with a stranger, their eyes red with tears. Neither felt shame, they were both proud of expressing their emotions to a powerful movie. They gave each other a silent nod, a silent understanding. Their pain needed no words.

Jaebum needed longer to pull himself together. The stranger manager to swallow the tears, the unbearable pain, and walk out. Jaebum kept waiting, drying the tears, before he too waled out. He was surprised when the stranger was walking back, holding two sodas.

The stranger held out one cup. Jaebum took it, taking a long sip. The pain in his throat was almost as bad as the pain in his heart. His eyes stung, he nodded a thank you. The two slowly walked back to the main lobby, but Jaebum stopped to stare at a poster. The movie shown on it was one that would also make him cry. Like a sadist he wanted to come and see it too.

"You want to watch it?" The stranger asked, sipping from her soda.

Jaebum kept staring at the poster, "Yeah."

"Opening night?"


The stranger hummed, and the two kept walking. They didn't say good bye, just a nod and then they split up. Jaebum put some sad music as he drove, crying while driving wasn't the best idea, but he was in so much pain.

In the car Jaebum was thinking. Hard. Wondering what to do now that it was clear the relationship wasn't working out. Now that it was clear there was too much to do. Too many problems to work out. Jaebum felt like a coward for leaving instead of trying to fix it.

The thought of being single, didn't hurt. Thinking about it, he felt as if he could breath freely. He would be less stressed, and happy. He wanted to relax and be at peace. He couldn't stand the suffocation. He needed to break it off. Now.

Jaebum repeated this to himself over and over as he drove. Continued as he got out of the car and walked up the stairs. Opening the door he took a deep breath. Youngjae was sitting on the couch, right in front of the door. Jaebum went to stand in front of him and said what needed to be said.

"This isn't working." Jaebum sighed.

Youngjae hummed, "I guess it's not."

"You... don't seem too concerned about it."

"It's not that, I'm just not surprised.

Jaebum sat down beside Youngjae, "It was kind of obvious, wasn't it?"

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