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Wattpad formatting is really weird. It's not consistent across platforms and it high key makes me want to scream.


"Hello Ha Yang, it's great to see you again." BamBam heard the receptionist say. Ah yes, Ha Yang was back again.

 "Yeah, um... where is-?"

BamBam stepped out from the employee's room, "Looking for me again?"

Ha Yang pointed at him dramatically, "Do you know about horses?"

BamBam looked out the window, "I do, but where are they?"

"In Europe."

BamBam frowned a little, "I'm not sure I have clearance to work on horses in a different country."

Ha Yang groaned, "Does that even matter?"

BamBam motioned for the receptionist to take a break, since Ha Yang was the only one there, "Considering I would like to keep my job, yeah it does. The system is in place for a reason."

Ha Yang rubbed her head, "What would it take for you to get clearance to be able to care for those horses?"

"To be USDA certified, if that's the right term I don't even know anymore, it requires a lot of paper work, and waiting."

"Waiting for what?"

"For the paper work to be sent, processed, and eventually returned."

 "Do you have all the paper work?"

"Not filled out but it's somewhere." BamBam was figuring out where she was going with this.

Ha Yang got briefly distracted by his lips before focusing again, "You know who receives this paperwork?" BamBam noticed her staring, and found it quite funny.

"Yeah... what are you doing?" BamBam asked Ha Yang, who was looking at her phone.

"Checking Hwasa's bank account."

BamBam tilted his head, "You have bags under your eyes."

"I'm suffering from a triple case of jet lag, now, there's plenty of money. Fill out the paperwork, I'll have it sent on priority mail. I'll also pay whoever is processing and accepting this work to give your application priority."

BamBam pulled Ha Yang into the employees only room and started getting her some coffee ready, "Thanks but, it's that a bit much? I'm sure there are other vets waiting to be qualified internationally. Besides, I'm sure you can find another vet who can help."

"But then I won't be able to admire your face every day." Ha Yang pouted.

BamBam laughed, already used to Ha Yang's obsession, "I'm flattered, but every day? How long do you expect me to take care of these horses?"

Ha Yang tried to remember how long the filming was intended to take place, "Just a few months. And I already intend to do all the payments, so you're going. Please don't make me take you unwillingly. I already did that like," Ha Yang checked her watch, "15 hours ago."

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