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Ha Yang stepped into the café, spotting Mark not too long after. She walked up to him, giving him a quick greeting before sitting down. They quickly ordered some drinks, and silence fell over them.

At first it didn't bother Ha Yang, she was going through her phone for a little bit. But then she got tired of the silence and demanded that Mark start a conversation. He didn't at first, not wanting to talk really. Even though he had invited Ha Yang. Ha Yang kept bothering him though, so Mark blurted something to start a conversation.

"Do you have any kinks?" Mark decided, taking a sip from his drink casually.

Ha Yang quirked an eyebrow, "Seriously? That's how you decide to start a conversation?"

"You too shy to talk about what goes on in the bedroom?" The challenge was issued, and Ha Yang was not one to back down.

"I like not cumming." Ha Yang confessed with a shrug.

Mark was confused, "So you don't like to feel good?"

"Not like that, you know that feeling you get just before you cum? All that tightness in your stomach? I love that feeling, and just holding it in for as long as I can."

"Doesn't that hurt?"

Ha Yang gave another shrug, "I like it. Since I'm already on the topic I also have a tongue kink."

Mark stuck out his tongue.

Ha Yang slapped his arm, "Not like that you idiot!"

"Then what do you mean?" Mark rolled his eyes, smiling a little bit at how he teased Ha Yang.

"I like fast tongues, like rappers."

Mark wiggled his eyebrows, "I can rap."

"I am not hooking up with you," Ha Yang sipped her coffee, "And stop kink shaming me."

Then Ha Yang's smile dropped. She furrowed her eyebrows and lowered her cup and something passed through her mind. Mark gulped, what could she be thinking? What made her so quiet and hesitant so quickly?

Mark waited, watching as she seemed to form the words in her head. He panicked internally, wondering what could possibly be going on in her head. What could possibly make her this quiet. Then she spoke.

"We are literally kink shaming over a cup of coffee."

Mark wheezed.

"Who does that? People say 'let's talk over a cup of coffee' or 'let's catch up' but never kink shame. Wow, what a strange pair we are." Ha Yang shook her head and sipped.

Mark calmed himself down from laughing, "Was that seriously it?"

"Yes, now shut up and drink your coffee. Actually, why don't you tell me the real reason you called me here?"

"What do you mean?"

Ha Yang rolled her eyes, "Please. There's no way you called me all the way here just to kink shame me, although that probably was a bonus. So spill, what is it?"

Mark took a deep breath to calm his nerves, "You were the one who made sure I got paid, weren't you? You told me it was for free, but I still received pay checks."

"Oh, yeah, that. I sold a few jewels that I didn't wear anymore and had that be sent to you. Is that seriously all you wanted to talk about? You could've just texted me."

Mark ignored her, "Why did you do that? Aren't you super materialistic?"

"Yeah, I am pretty materialistic. There are a few things that are more important to me than expensive jewels by the way. And as self centered as I am no one should be left without an income. Cause that's just annoying and frustrating."

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