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Even though I'm a writer, and writers have been consistently found to do drugs, I don't. 

1. I vowed to never do so(I hate taking counter medicine too) 

2. I'm not normal. My friend once said that I'm usually normal and at unforeseen moments I turn into my true self and it's disorientating. I get my creativity from my abnormality.


Jinyoung sighed, "Did you seriously buy and install a sex swing?"

Jackson would be wagging his tail if he were a dog, "Yeah! Mark said that he felt like the sex was getting a bit repetitive. So I thought, why not spice it up a little?"

"How are you going to hide this from Zeyu?"

Jackson paused, "Shit."

Jinyoung rubbed his hand down his face, "You are not ruining the innocence of our child."

"I'll hide it! We'll find a way to keep it hidden in our new house!"

Jinyoung was starting to get a mild head ache, "How are you going to hide it until then?" When he received no response Jinyoung sighed.

"I'll have Ha Yang take care of it!" Jackson blurted suddenly, "She won't care! She has a huge house too so she can hide it for us until we get a new house."

"So you're not even going to use it until we move? Shouldn't have bought it in the first place."

"I got excited stop scolding me." His phone rang. Jinyoung waited for the call to end and turned to a very mortified Jackson.

"My mom wants me to come visit."

"And? Is that a bad thing?"

"No, that's a great thing. It's just... we won't even be able to use the swing once."

Jinyoung smacked Jackson, "Hide it, I'm going to pick up Zeyu. When are we going?"

"I'll check when he's on vacation and let you know." Jackson checked Zeyu's schedule. His next vacation, that would last for a week, was coming up. He called his mom back, once they agreed on the day he got ready by buying plane tickets. 

Zeyu was ecstatic about meeting his grandparents. He happily packed his suitcase the day before, refused to sleep the night before, and demanded to leave five hours early. While on the plane Zeyu refused to stop asking questions.

"Appa, you have parents too. Does this mean I have four grandparents?"

Jinyoung nodded, "Yes."

"Where are they?"


"Why don't we visit them?"

Jinyoung shrugged, "I haven't thought about that."


Mark jumped, looking over at the three. Since planes come in seats of three Mark ended up being the one in a singular seat to the left. Zeyu decided he didn't like it. So he sat on Jinyonug's lap and demanded that Mark take the empty seat.

"Dad, when are we going to America to see your parents? I want to meet all six of my grandparents!"

"I'll start planning a trip to Los Angeles, I promise." Mark said, a little nervous.

Zeyu huffed, "You better. Do I have any cousins? Aunts or Uncles?"

Jackson nodded, "You have at least one uncle." Jackson screamed internally for not knowing if his boyfriends had any siblings. They were all doing really bad at the 'getting to know your lover's family' thing.

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