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I basically finished Chapter 5 before Chapter 3 and I'm very upset with myself.


Everyone calls them 2Young. Mr. Young, the band director who everyone loves, and Mr. Young, the actor that likes to come in and give his roommate some munchkins. While Mr. Young, the singer, demands that the students call him in such a manner most have defaulted to calling him Junior. For two major reasons.

The first being that having two Mr. Young's can get confusing. The second, on his first day meeting the class he specifically told them not to call him Junior. And everyone knows that when you tell a teen not to do something, they do it out of spite.

Which is how we ended up where we are now. Jinyoung has the box of munchkins over his head, a poor students trapped underneath him, and Mr.Young wagering with him to spare the student's life.

"Jirongie, please! Spare his life! He has so much to live for!"

"He disrespected me! He deserves no mercy!"

"Jirongie, please! Don't do this!"

Jinyoung turned to glare at his roommate, "He dishonored me and needs death by food."

Mr.Young collapsed to his knees, "I will place my own life in his stead!"

The poor child started to cry. Jinyoung broke. He dropped the munchkins and gathered the child in his arms.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Don't cry. It's okay I'm here, mom is here."

"You're not my mom." The child sniffles.

"I'm your mom." Jinyoung snapped. He began to smother the child, which he had previously been threatening, with hugs and kisses.

"Every time I enter this room something is going on." Everyone turned towards the principal, who stood at the door.

"Mr. Young was giving us a lesson on how to... to..." One student tried to come to the rescue of the class's favorite visitor, but there are very few ways to explain what was happening.

The principal held up his hand, "I don't need to know. Mr. Young, the one that actually goes to this school, please meet me in the hall."

Mr. Young gave stern looks to each of his students, warned Jinyoung to calm himself down, and left to the hall. He closed the door behind him.

"Jinyoung already told you about his recent offer, correct?"


"Has he made his decision?"

"He's accepted."

"Have you?"

Mr. Young bit his lip and looked away for a moment.

The principal sighed, "You can go, it's fine, I won't hold it against you. We'll be able to find a replacement, that's not an issue. I just need to know so that we can prepare everything beforehand."

"I'm still not sure."

"You need to decide, soon. Before the deadline passes and you're stuck with regret for not deciding on your own."

A sigh, "I just don't know. It would be amazing to compose music for a film with so much excitement around it, but in doing so I would miss out on so much learning with my students. Not just me teaching them, but them teaching me."

The principal placed a hand on Mr. Young's shoulder, "Think about what is more important, what will help you improve as a musician. I understand that you care for your students, you love them deeply, but think about yourself. You're 25 and still a virgin!"

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