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I have come to realize how confusing the family tree thing might be so I made a visual representation.


Please let me know if this link does/doesn't work. Because I'm worried if you don't understand that family tree then it'll make it hard for you to enjoy this story.

If you want to get right to the story then you can go ahead and skip the rest of the author's note

1. I didn't mean to be gone for so long, I didn't know where this story was going. I had an unrealistic idea of making this story flawless but that's not happening so instead I'll just keep it going and figure things out along the way.

2. This is probably the last fanfic I'm ever going to write about real people. I keep having nightmares about Idols seeing my Wattpad and I just don't want to make it worse.

3.If you have an idea of a better book cover please tell me, I can never get the book cover right.

4. I'm gonna keep this story going to a MAX of 50 chapters. It may be less, but no more than 50.

5. I will return to my 10/20/30 update pattern starting in January. I'm going to keep the "last chapter needs some views" rules, so that if I'm having a hard time finishing a chapter I'll be able to push back releasing a chapter.

6. Any questions? Comments? Concerns?


Jinyoung looked Jaebum up and down, "Since when did you get kids?"

"I didn't," Jaebum put down the two kids and pointed them in the direction of Min Grui, "Ha Yang threw them at Youngjae and I. Said she had something important to do."

"Didn't realize you two were on a 'babysitting each other's kids' basis."

Jaebum sighed, "We're not." The two men turned to look at the energetic kids, the four of them. Shuyang, Long Long, Zeyu, and the newest addition of a boy named Min Grui.

"Is this why you called me over?"

Jaebum had no shame, "Yup. Youngjae had to go to work, and I didn't feel ready to be a single parent. So welcome second father. Didn't expect you to bring your kid though."

Jinyoung took a deep sigh, "Fine, I accept the challenge." 

"So, I guess we're parents now." Jaebum cracked his neck.

Jaebum and Jinyoung fist pumped, "JJP to the rescue!"

The living room lightbulb shattered. All eyes flew to LongLong, who was holding a broom and about to slay the dragon Shuyang. All four boys, slowly walked over to the sofa and sat down silently. The broom was left on the floor.

Jinyoung, who hadn't even taken off his jacket, clapped his hands, "Alright! So first order of business, who wants take out for lunch?"

All the boys raised their hands.

"Great idea!" Jaebum picked up the broom. "Shuyang, LongLong, Min Grui, go get your jackets. I'll clean this up."

"Can we have Chinese?" Zeyu asked from his seat.

Jinyoung pulled out his phone and started preparing the order for pick up, "Yup, we can do that." He set up the order, and went to find a dustpan for Jaebum. With the broken lightbulb cleaned, and the boys all ready for the cold, the JJP duo walked the kids to the bus stop.

"We should buy a car soon." Jinyoung mumbled to himself.

"The two of us?"

"No, Mark Jackson and I. It doesn't make sense for the four of us to still be using the bus all the time."

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