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Bambam has a lip art YouTube channel.


"Jinyoung, that kiss scene was terrible. We're going to shoot again, don't worry, but you need to fix it. Look, you got a ten minutes break, do what you need to do, and make sure that when you come back that kiss scene is perfect!" The Director exclaimed.

"Yes sir!" Jinyoung bowed and hurried away from the set. He needed to find someone, anyone, and practice. He needed to perfect the art of kissing.

"I need to fix my osculation!" Jinyoung exclaimed, furiously looking for someone, anyone to kiss. Unfortunately, mostly everyone was one set, or around there.

Jinyoung needed a little bit of privacy so he left, but now he had no one to practice on. He had seven minutes left and his lips were still not ready. He groaned and started to frantically run around to find ANYONE.

Then he spotted someone, "You!" He exclaimed, running towards the unsuspecting man.

He was dressed like a member of the orchestra. Jinyoung ran up to him, bowed, and explained his situation.

The man gave Jinyoung, who was in a rush, a quirked eyebrow, "So, you want to kiss me?"

"Yes, now."

The man shrugged, "Alright."

"Thank you!" Jinyoung grabbed the man's neck and pulled it towards him.

Jinyoung didn't pay much attention to the man when he asked him for help. In all honesty, the fact that it was a man didn't even register, he had just seen someone that could help him.

Now, looking up at the man as his face drew closer, he realized how unique he looked. Not just in terms of attraction, although he certainly was. But more about how his features were quite distinct and unique, not at all Korean.

Jinyoung didn't know what to expect when their lips touched. He didn't plan it through, he didn't think about it much at all. He just acted, and the result was so new and foreign. So unexpected.

It's strange, but as soon as their lips touched Jinyoung felt like he could breath. As if he had been living his entire life with only half his lung capacity, and never realized it. As if he could fully inhale for the first time in his life.

It was only after he could breath that he registered his eyes were open. He was looking up into the eyes of the man he was kissing, which made him remember. The kissing scene was to be done with closed eyes, and he had to practice that. So he did, he closed his eyes.

Once he did, he felt more. He felt the lips of the man so much more. Their shape, their texture, it even had a slight taste to it. Jinyoung didn't know what it was, but he didn't mind it.

Jinyoung wanted to breath, he wanted to feel more oxygen coursing through him. He pressed his lips into the man's tighter, opening his mouth and tilting his head.

The man stumbled backwards, only a little, and grabbed onto Jinyoung's hips. He didn't pull away, he didn't hesitate, he just kissed back. Both men, trying to get as much out of their kiss as possible.

Jinyoung grabbed the man's arms and moved them to his neck, like in the script, and hugged his lower back. He didn't pull away, he couldn't. It felt so good.

He felt as if those lips could give him life and meaning. He felt as if they were a gift sent to him, and he loved it. These lips, even though they were from a stranger, felt wonderfully intimate. He felt as if he knew this person, and they knew him. He felt as if everything between them had just been spilled, and now they were bare and raw before each other.

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