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I don't know how long this story is going to be. At least until 30. Maybe even 50. I really want to make this story my next 'hit', and ending it early, or too soon to now, won't do that. But at the same time dragging it on will get boring or annoying. Got any ideas?


"Can we move to China?!" Zeyu begged the minute they left to go home.

"That depends on a lot of things." Jackson responded, giving Mark and Jinyoung a tired look. The idea of moving there wasn't bad, he didn't mind it exactly. The issue was just that, it would be such a big change. It would involve changing schools again, maybe getting citizenship(meaning that Jinyoung would have to give up the one he has in Korea) or several other factors he hadn't even considered. The moving fee. Oh, the moving fee.

"Why do you want to live in China so much?" Jinyoung asked him, trying to give Jackson's neck a break and letting him sit normally in the passenger seat. The taxi driver was really focused on the road.

"Hanyu is here! He's the friend I want! Appa!"

Jinyoung knew what he was referencing to, "Zeyu doesn't like his classmates, he doesn't consider them his friends. He's been waiting for the 'right one'."

Zeyu nodded, "Hanyu is the friend I always wanted. If we live here I'll be able to see him!" This went on, Zeyu begging to stay in China while Jackson would list a reason why it wasn't a good idea. Eventually Jackson snapped at Zeyu, telling him that living in China would be rediculous and the conversation was over.

Mark noticed how upset he was. But he knew Jackson was right. He pulled him over, turning him so that he could do little braids in his hair. Zeyu liked it when people touched his hair, it was like a massage for him.

Jackson was on edge for a while, he knew Zeyu was upset but he also knew that he was right, and they truly couldn't go move to China. Zeyu, being the kind forgiving soul he was, did agree to Jackson decision.

'He's spent his whole life being happy and perfect in hopes that he would be adopted. He's not going to be defiant or vocal about saying 'no' for a while.' Ha Yang had told Jackson that shortly after adopting Zeyu. He hadn't thought much of it.

He wasn't truly worried. Yes, being an orphan had affected Zeyu and he'll never know how. Unlike most adopted kids, he didn't struggle or fall behind in school. Instead, he excelled. Despite being a little malnourished he was strong due to his love for exercise.  Admittedly, he spoke like a younger child. But he was among the oldest in the orphanage, so it made sense to speak that way. He was growing, yes his sentences were simple but he was improving his vocab.

At the airport Zeyu had calmed down, still a little quiet but not avoiding Jackson. The plane ride was simple, Zeyu was just running over what to do to try and get this Zihao to open up to him. He was overthinking it, and Mark assured him that being himself would work just fine.

"Thanks for coming." Ha Young bowed, greeting them at the airport. The orphanage was a little ways off from the airport, they rode by taxi. Long Long was waiting by the entrance when they arrived, waving his hand back and forth and jumping. He ran to hug Zeyu, dragging him inside. Jinyoung assured him that it was okay to go ahead.

"About time you showed up." Ha Yang was there, sitting inside with Shuyang drinking juice beside her. Shuyang wasn't as excited to see Zeyu again, a little indifferent. The three families, or two depending on how you count it, walked to the play area, where Long Long and Zeyu were back flipping.

"So where is Zihao?" Shuyang asked, looking over to Ha Young.

She scanned the room, "Looks like he's hiding again. I'll go find him."

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