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I watched so many BL dramas in reparation for this, only to realize that they'll all useless. NOW I AM ADDICTED and watching a bunch of BL dramas and... ah.


"This feels really awkward." Mark said into his phone in the comfort of his room. Jackson and Ha Yang were long gone. Besides, the walls did a good job of being soundproof.

Mark gave a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, "I probably shouldn't have agreed to this. I can't stand the idea of him being out with someone else."

"You're suffering the consequences of lying. Brought this upon yourself." The man on the other end of the phone spoke, his voice raspy and quiet. It was late where he was.

"Shut up! I know that! You're supposed to be making me feel better not remind me of my failures!"

"One of those is easier than the other. Look, why don't you just tell this guy? If you want your relationship to work out you need to communicate. Lying is not communicating. I mean- it is- but not in a good way."

"What if he doesn't want me? What if he loves Jinyoung more than me?"

"First off- it hasn't been long enough for you to say love that's cheesy. And didn't he want this arrangement because he couldn't pick between you two?"

"What if he was just saying that? What if he really just wanted to spare my feelings? I don't even have much to offer. I stand no chance against a world famous actor, not that I'd let him know that."

The man sighed, "Why are you talking to me about this? Isn't there someone there who you can talk to?"

"No, and you're my dearest friend who I can rely on in my darkest hours."

"The only darkness is your stupidity."

"Show me love, not anger." Mark pouted, hugging a pillow close to his chest.

"I love you, a lot, but you're a freaking idiot and I can't stand you sometimes. Just. Talk. To. Him."

"What if he's already had sex with him?"

"What? He hasn't done it with you?"

"He has, but not all the way."

There was a sigh on the other end of the phone, "I'm really tired and I shouldn't be on the phone with you this late. Think this through like an educated person and then talk to Jackson about how you really feel. Got it?"

"I'm scared."

"Life is scary, suck it up, be a man, and talk about your feelings dang it!"

"How's your love life?" Mark spouted some random nonsense, he didn't want the phone call to end. He needed to keep himself distracted, even if it was only for a few extra minutes.

"Dry and dead like like a grilled fish. Now please leave me alone." He hung up before Mark could complain and argue. Mark sighed and turned off his phone, wondering what to do now.

"I have to man up and talk." Mark sighed to himself, laying on his back and rubbing his face. Thoughts of what would happen ran through his mind, but he tried to push them away, focusing instead on what he was going to do. He planned out all the words, all the actions, exactly what he would say. By the time the next day rolled around he was ready.

Mark had it all planned out. Bright and early, while the orchestra was still getting ready, he would let Jackson know that he had to talk to him. Then, during the coffee rush, he'd tell the same thing to Jinyoung. At the end of the day, once all three of them were free, they'd go out to a close by cafe, that Mark had already made a reservation for, and talk it out. He'd be open and honest about it to both of them and work things out together.

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