Chapter 63

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Leah’s POV:

“It’s just so crazy though...” I mumbled as Niall and I walked into our room.

He nodded and shut the door behind him.

“I know. It’s insane. Though we can’t do much Leah.”

I frowned and plopped on the bed.

It’s been three hours since Harry had his outrage on the phone with Tim. All of us heard bits and pieces of the conversation but nothing everything.

Once he was done and Ali had him calm down he told us everything.

Basically, the boys couldn’t fire Tim. And later, Liam called Simon, and he confirmed it. The boys have to do what Tim says.

“Are you scared…?”  I whispered to Niall who was looking out the window.

He turned and looked at me. Face full of emotion.

“About what…exactly...”

I sighed.

“One Direction… I mean your future… the boys… you career. Tim isn’t playing nicely. Nor fairly.”

Niall frowned and walked over to me pulling me into his arms.

“I am scared. Not for One Direction, though. No matter what happens, we’ll still be best mates. And hopefully true directioners will still be with us. I’m more scared for Ali and Harry… It’s been a long time since he actually had a girlfriend. And this is the first insanely serious one I’ve seen him have. When he just looks at Ali, his mood changes. Around her he’s just happier and so in love it makes you just want to smile.  Ya, get it?”

I nodded, “I do, Nialler… It’s just... scary to think of what’s going to happen... Right now thinks looks bad. But I doubt Tim hasn’t even planned his worse yet…”

Niall leaned down and kissed my forehead.

“You shouldn’t be scared, Leah. We’ll get through this. One Direction will be fine and Hali will survive.”

I sighed and nodded, pressing myself closer to him.

I hope he was right.

We couldn’t lose Ali.

She was a part of us.

She was before I was.

Without her, we’re incomplete.

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now