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Once dreams come,

once dreams go,

but love never disappears,

unless it is mistaken,


lusting love is not love,

love is a feeling when the heart drums against the chest,

love is when a spark flies between me and him,

though what he feels is my nightmare,

"I love you"

he's mistaken,

all the lies he's taken,

my heart only breaking,

my personality does not count,

not to him,

my looks is like gold to him,

so he buys it and stares at it like he's never seen anything like it,

what I feel is hate,

everything wrong he ate, he swallowed,

yet I only swallow the good,

he swallows the bad like a poison that keeps him alive,

a poison destroys me,

he doesn't know me,

I know types of him,

bad and dangerous and heartbreaking,

that is all for a small taking,

you snatch, 



that is all for me to phrase

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindWhere stories live. Discover now