My Whole World

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This is another TFIOS poem, I just can't help myself I'am in love with the whole concept of being ill but still being able to fall in love and somehow forget the pain though it can still be felt. 

I lose my hope,

I only rely on love,

love is what makes me forget,

forget about my pain,

about dying,

he is my new world,

he is what keeps me on my feet,

he is what keeps me breathing,

he smiles, the whole room lights up,

he talks,

I'm silent,

he loves me,

I love him back,

he helps me,

I thank him,

without love I'm blind,

with him my eyes open,

what a beautiful metaphor?,

he saves me,

I'm alive,

I fall,

I land in his arms,

he is my okay,

my stars,

they make up the whole consellation,

my thoughts,

make me think,

some infinities are much bigger than other infinities,

though our infinity is the largest

you make our roller coaster only go up,

never we fall down

he talks,



Let me know guys what you think!! Vote and comment too! 


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