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So...um this poem was inspired by the song,"Mistake," by Demi Lovato, So here we go....

Your words hurt me so I left, so outside I listened to birds,

Forgive, I don't think so, so I give you hell,

I feel like I'm trapped in a cell,

without you by my side I feel like I've died,

I've cried and remembered I was meant to be your bride,

all cures I've tried, I still had you eyed,

I feel like I want to hide, cause there is no more pride,

All our endless talks come back to me, I have spies that are like hawks,

I look at the wall just to see clocks,

I've tried to be sober until october,

then december comes and soon enough turns to september,

I want you here to stay while my scars become your display.

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindWhere stories live. Discover now