I'am Bipolar

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So I wrote this poem because I think it's so important to speak out about issues, you shouldn't hide or cover up the problems you have you don't have to pretend like everything is fine, speak to someone who can help you, it can helped because you're worth it, you have a beautiful future ahead of you and you should make big things for you, if you're brave enough you will achieve it, stay strong because you're beautiful and no-one should ever bring you down, don't listen to negatives because they're not true.

I talk to myself I talk to you, this isn't real you are dead, I can see you, this isn't reality,

 I cry, laugh, I cry again,

going to sleep, no I can't sleep,

I'm sitting on the floor with a bloody wrist and a blade in my right hand,

I want to erase the pain, I want to forget you,

the blood drips, red so red, thick and warm making me feel happy with myself,

I hold a bottle filled with pills and cry hard,

I'am broken,

the pain unbearable but it feels good on my other side,

I smile,

I grab a blade and press it to my wrist drawing blood on my pale skin,

crying like crazy, then laugh,

staying to early hours of the morning,

my eye lids feel like slipping down,

I look at my blood covered gown,

I scream in my head, whispers start, I shout and start moving around the floor,

I'm lying on my ack, confused, where am I?,

the room feels like it's closing in,

my head hurts, a nurse comes,

my eyes close,

to soon awake, I start screaming and cussing,

my hands are bound together,

my legs tied down,

I was dangerous,

all I remember is the pain I was in,

this is a dream, I feel my tears become a stream,

my skin turns into the colour of cream,

I feel my head spin,

This is my greatest sin.

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindWhere stories live. Discover now