Ready, Set, Don't Go

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I look back,

why can't you let me go?,

daddy let go,

your world might fall apart,

I'm still here,

never try to forget,

I'm still your girl,

only now I'm bigger,

wanting to go,

the future is ready for me,

to let go you're not ready,

I can tell by your tears,

"don't go" you cry,

I got to do this,

I have big things to do,

I'm your biggest fan,

your mine biggest fan,

the only who really cares,

the one who loves you the most,

because you're my best daddy,

in the whole world,

you're the one,

who always watched over me,

making nightmares disappear,

I can see your heartbreaking,

you might not show it,

but I know it,

don't hide it from me,

the road is open now,

for me the light's shining,

everything will be fine,

I'll be okay,

Ready, set, don't go

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindWhere stories live. Discover now