You Don't Love Me, I Don't Love You

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You broke my heart in two,

you throw it out of the blue,

I'm no longer anything new,

you're not the boy I knew,

I was just like a part of a bet,

to your other girls i was a threat,

to lose you was worth it,

but then i wasn't sure this was it,

I don't want a cure,

I let myself lure you in,

now I reach for a bottle of gin,

in my other hand is a knife,

I go down the dark path where the knife is the only cure for my wrists,

my long future plans list is just a piece of paper that now doesn't exsist.

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ