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Hey guys.

New poem, the first stanza in this poem was written by @Tachlush so please give it up for her..I helped to write the rest of the poem! :)

Please vote and comment :)


As you live each day,

May you do your part,

To make a difference and touch one heart,

Each day it is your goal,

To bring smiles & laughter into a soul,

You can give someone something they could never have,

A long, happy life,

Remembering the kindness they received,

Because of you,

Not because you had to,

But wanted to,

The road is a rocky path,

So as long as you face it right,

Your journey shall be bright,

And when you fall and get stuck in a hole,

You climb back up,

And continue walking,

Towards the light,

For a numerous amount of days,

And by the time you'll blink,

The road shall have its finish line,

But it's never the end,

So don't worry if you sink,

Let me tell you that you will be fine

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang