My Bleeding Achy Breaky Heart

111 5 2

You never could be so wrong before,

now you walk all over me like I'm a bug,

you tore out my heart, and stabbed it like a million times,

bleed you watched me,

cry you heard me,

play games with me you did,

lie to me of course you had to,

was that a good choice though?,

you cheat, you're scum,

never have I worn such a broken heart,

now it's all for sale,

you watched me as I drown my sorrows with some ale,

worth it's not,

only pleasurable to my achy breaky heart,

as I go outside I see smiley faces,

only in the happy, busy spaces,

never have I loved you until you walked away,

never have I screamed so on the phone,

now I'm trying to be happy,

please don't tell my achy breaky heart,

I don't think it'll understand

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang