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This poem was inspired by Dr. Who LOL. I was thinking about dreams and seeing wonders and seeing people who don't even exsist or people who are long gone...... so please don't hesitate to tell me who inspires you....authors from centuries ago...or authors from now! Comment and Vote, PM ne anyone..we could make a long coversation of this.

Time flies by,

years flash,

travelling in space,

minutes or seconds never dismiss,

it happened again,

never have I been so far,

the whole universe,

minutes or seconds don't matter,

not in my world,




the human world has not seen,

no idea,

they have of the future,

wonders slip through my fingers,

no truth convinces no-one,

no possibility of a real life,

I try to gain the time back,

reality is what I lack,

always I'm in such a bliss,

one tiny drop of the endless time,

never to pause,

I want everything my heart needs,

warning sings are not enough,



the past I only wish,

I let myself lose the time

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindWhere stories live. Discover now