You're My Best Mistake I've Ever Made

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Hey guys so this poem is inspired by a song called "Best Mistake" by Ariana Grande, ft. Big Sean. I really love this song it's sweet, big Sean's part's great. This song is from the album "My Everything", the album is out now.

Letting you go,

 that's when my moon stopped shining,

 I love you,

 enough games,

we need to forget what we felt,

 too much dealing with emotions, they never left

 I might be a sinner,

 you're no saint,

 make up, break up, 

 what a total waste of time,

 why point fingers?,

 please make up your mind,

 I don't want to feel like I'm flying,

  you always had us lip locking, 

clock's tocking,

 stop with your feelings stocking,

 you need to keep walking,

 stop with the sweet talking,

 you're my best mistake I've ever made

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