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Laying on the grass admiring the stars, I watch the sky and wish I could fly high,

you stand above me ans smirk, you have something I like and that is your quirk,

you like to lurk, scaring me but always caring,

"Hazel," you say, "Sure it rhymes with Azazel," I say,

this was the warmest night of may, you keep looking at me and sway pretending to my the prey,

you are my reason, you keep me feeling alive in a rainy season,

we get together every season, you are my stars and my moon, you are my sun,

you're my everything so maybe I don't need mars, 

we sit together under the roof on the porch playing our guitars and make new sounds,

you get rid of my downs, you make our bounds,

we have our own little world where we can be free,

you are affraid of oblivion and I'm affraid of losing myself, everyone has their fears,

when I cry my tears you brush them away and show me the right way,

we go to support group and we sit with the weird sort,

your name Augustus, I knock on your door and start playing video games util I score

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindWhere stories live. Discover now