Blood Fights Against Blood

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This poem is inspired by the TV series "Reign"

A danger follows,

through my paths and through twists,

blood fights against blood,

a great country running scared,

one against the other fights,

kill its people,

what about their grace?,

the people, so wealthy,


one conquers all,

moving a piece along the chess board,

one down,

a whole country to go,

blood is shed,

a queen to marry a prince,

the future king,

can he be trusted?,

his charm, can it be fought against?,

or maybe given in,

the darkness does not hide, but appear,

in a shadow,

with no person,

only voice,

warning, an enemy will come,

another alliance anew,

another piece rises,

one falls,

then another prince,

not to legitimit,

a new love,

one a bastard,

one royal born,

should a queen choose the good one?,

or maybe it the bad one?

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