Guitar Is Like Life

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I play the six strings,

I grow up opening my wings,

from one chord,

to the next,

changing melody,

changing moment,

guitar is like life,

changing yourself,

changing your now,

making your future,

you watch me,

I move my fingers,

I stretch out my hands,

you're amazed at my moving,

I have you dazed,

the melody, so efortless,

you love my gentleness,

I don't have to be careful,

my sound, my melody,

makes me breathless,

your watch become endless.

So guys how did you like this poem?, it was kinda written just from a spur of moment when I was listening to Elvis Presley's music so........

While writing this poem I could imagine everything happening in a movie, my own movie, it was all in my head so please don't hate me. The song I was listening to while writing this poem was "Almost In Love" by Elvis Presley, from the movie "Live A Little, Love A Little" from 1968.

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