It's All An Illusion

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you don't know the feeling,

you feed me lies,

why would you cover your word?,

love, don't making people believe you,

you try to make me see the world,

you want me to act like nothing happened,

you give me gifts as if I had nothing,

you say I'm stupid,

you say I humiliate you,

how could you say that?,

you say to people I'm the love of your life,

don't make me feel disgust towards you,

rainbows, you think I see in your eyes,

don't make me laugh,

in your eyes, I only see lies,

don't tell me tales,

you won't have me so userbed,

at one moment, I love you,

later I'm affraid of you,

why not make a change?,


I'm only fooling myself,

this is all an illusion,

why didn't I see it before?

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