Chapter 12

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Juliet's P.O.V.

Jax took me home and as I sat on my bed I didn't want to fall asleep, because I knew when I closed my eyes they wouldn't open again.

I looked through the box of pictures Derek had given me. I cried and cried. I wasn't ready to die, I didn't want to die yet. I was rapped up in Derek's jacket and just hoped it wouldn't be painful.

I clutched the picture of all four of us as I laid back in my bed. Terrified didn't even begin to describe how I felt. I had never been this scared before.

"I'll see you soon Cora, we'll finally be reunited." I whispered as my eyes closed.

Darkness consumed me. Swallowed me hole and would never let me go. I tried to wake up, but all efforts failed miserably. I was it's prisoner.

Was this it? Is this the end? Am I dead?

It doesn't hurt. There's nothing. Until I hear something.

"Julie! Julie!" A little high pitched voice echoed though my head.

"Cor? Is that you?" I look around me trying to find her.

"Let's play a game! You're it!" Her giggles echo in my head as I begin running.

"Where are you?" I laugh.

"You have to find me."

I begin running faster and I see a door in front of me. I open it and I'm in the Hale house. Before the fire.

Derek and Laura were younger and I looked in the mirror on the wall and so was I. I was 11 again.

"Have you found her yet?" Laura asked smiling a bright smile.

I shook my head with a toothless smile on my face.

"Told you." Derek laughed.

Laura rolled her eyes.

"Let us know when you give up."

"I never give up." I say stubbornly, crossing my arms.

I ran up the steps but as I did, I heard something. I rushed down the stairs and opened the small door on the side of the stairway.

"Found you!" I yelled.

Cora laughed and crawled out of the tight space.

"Now what do you want to play?" I asked.

"How about truth or dare?" Laura said.

"Yeah! Let's do that!" Cora laughed.

I shrugged and sat on the couch next to Cora. We went back and forth until Cora a smirk on her face.

"Okay! My turn!" She announced, "Julie, truth or dare?"

"Dare." I said confidently.

Well, with as much confidence an eleven year old can have.

"I dare you to kiss my brother!" She squealed.

Laura burst out laughing. I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"Are you backing down? Are you a chicken?"

"No." I sighed.

I looked over to Derek, I guess I'll do it. We both began to lean in, but there was a knock on the door that scared me so much I jumped slightly.

Laura got up and answered it.

"Juliet it's your dad." She said walking over to me.

"I guess we'll have to finish this another time." Cora smirked.

Out Of The Shadows • Derek Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now