Thank You

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Hey guys so I just wanted to give all of you a shout out and say a huge thank you to so so so many of you!

I've recently hit 200 followers and I decided what better way to thank you than to update and tell you how grateful I am for all of you.

And for those who are reading this and actually aren't following me, that's totally fine because I'm just happy you're reading my story (or stories).

First lets talk Out Of The Shadows (aka this book you are currently reading)

It has 93k reads and I honestly can't believe it. I want to thank all of you for reading this book it means the world to me!

It also now has 3k votes and 607 comments! I just want to let you guys know I love reading comments, comments make my day! So please never shy away from commenting and if you have questions or just want to talk please feel free to ask.

Shattered Glass

For those of you who don't know, Shattered Glass is my Isaac Lahey fanfic. I adopted it from simplystiles- and it's the second book I've posted. I've just recently gotten really into updating it after a while of radio silence.

I'm proud to say that it has 1k reads, 74 votes, and 59 comments!

Made To Survive

This is my Bellamy Blake fanfic, if you didn't know. I have been working on this story for like 3-4 years. I first wrote it and it was so bad, like I'm not being critical of myself it was awful. So I rewrote it and am posting regularly.

It has 2k reads, 137 votes, and 38 comments.

I'm soooo thankful for all of you who are supporting me, so I want to call out a few special people...

_Stxdia_ I love you're comments. You've been reading Out of the Shadows and Shattered glass, and I have to tell you how much I enjoy your comments. You constantly lift me up and make me smile every time I read your comments. You are one of those dependable readers who I can always count on to support me and lift me up. I appreciate you so much.

melsthealpha now I know you are not reading this book, but I just wanted to bring attention how much I appreciate you as well. I know I already dedicated a chapter to you in Shattered Glass so I hope you don't mind a bunch of shootouts. I started reading your book because I also wanted to adopt the same plot you did. I obviously didn't get it and instead got the plot to Shattered Glass. I have loved you're writing for Violent Creatures since chapter one, I really admire your writing ability. So when you gave, my small story (that I hadn't updated in months), a shoutout as well as me...I cannot express to you how much that meant to me. Then when I started seeing you were commenting on my story and voting for each chapter it meant so much. I love your comments by the way, I just love reading comments in general but yours always made me laugh. Thank you so much.

Now saving the best for last... Alie-Rae you are amazing and have supported my writing for, what, 3 years now? You are my best friend and my sister (our lifelines are literally tied!!) and I love you so much. No matter what I write you always read it, even if you don't watch the show. Despite the fact we started off hating each other, after being forced to share every class together (that one year) somehow everything that had happened in the past melted away. Suddenly, what seemed like over night you became my best friend. Even though you started off as the person I didn't want to spend a second with, you became the person I wanted to spend as much time with as I could. The person I could tell everything to, the person I will run over to screaming if we have been separated for any span of time (it could just be an hour and I will do that). I have no fucking clue how that happened, but it did. And I wouldn't want it any other way. You mean the world to me and I would not be complete without you. I also would've have been able to grow in my writing without you. You will never know how grateful I am to have you.

I'm so grateful for all of you. And if you ever want to talk, need a cover, or anything in between please feel free to. I really love being able to feel connected to you guys. So once again thank you all.

I love you


Out Of The Shadows • Derek Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now