Chapter 17

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Stiles P.O.V.

"All right, geniuses, listen up. Due to the recent pink eye epidemic - Thank you, Greenberg - the following people have made first line on a probationary basis, emphasis on the word 'probationary'. Rodriguez. Welcome to first line. Taylor, and, uh - Oh, for the love of crap."

I suddenly got a glimmer of hope go flooding through my veins.

Please dear god let it be me!

"I can't even read my own writing. What is that, an s? No, no, that's not an s."

And then the hope was gone.

"That's a - that's a - That's a b. It's definitely a b. Uh, Rodriguez, Taylor, and, uh - Bilinski."

Excitement over came me as I jumped off my seat and cheer for myself. I screamed and did a small dance. Jackson and his posse rolled thier eyes at me,


"Yes?" I say finally claiming down.

"Shut up!"

The other guys snicker but right now nothing could bring me down.

"Yes, sir."

I sit back down still feeling like in flying.

"Stiles." Scott says softly.

"It's Biles. Call me Biles, or I swear to God I'll kill you."

He doesn't say anything more, which makes me wonder what he was going to say in the first place, bu I push that thought out of my mind.

"Another thing. From here on out, immediately, we're switching to co - captains. Congratulations, McCall."

My eyes widened and I patted Scott, but he seemed angry. Which made me curious why, but again I didn't think too much of it.

"What? " Jackson hisses.

"What do you mean, what? Jackson, this takes nothing away from you. This is about combining separate strengths into one unit. This is about taking your unit, McCall's unit, we're making one big unit. McCall, it's you and Jackson now. Everybody else - Asses on the field! Asses on the field!"

We got up and started walking out, and I was still overcome with joy.

"Dude, can you believe this? You're a captain. I'm first line. I'm first freaking line!"

Scott doesn't respond as we walk out to the hallway.

"Are you not freaking out? I'm freaking out."

Seriously, he's being not only a major pain in the ass, he's also being a very affective kill joy.

"What's the point? It's just a stupid title. And I could practically smell the jealousy in there."

I raise my eye brows completely confused, "Wait, you smell jealousy?

"Yeah, it's like the full moon's turned everything up to ten."

I nod, and look forward and see Lydia talking with Juliet. Then I got and idea.

"Can you pick up on stuff like, I don't know, desire?"

"What do you mean desire?"

"Like sexual desire?"

"Sexual desire?"

"Yeah, sexual desire. Lust, passion, arousal."

Scott looks in front of us and sees Lydia.

"From Lydia?"

"What? No, in a general, broad sense, can you determine sexual desire?" I say trying to act like its not completely obvious.

Out Of The Shadows • Derek Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now