Chapter 2

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          Stiles dropped Scott off at work first. Then proceeded to drive me home. He looked at me every few seconds.

          "You okay? You've been quiet ever since we got in the car."

          I shrug, I honestly wasn't sure what to say. When I saw Derek it was like seeing a ghost, but I wasn't really sure if I wanted to share that information.

          "I guess I'm a little disappointed we didn't find the body."

          And I guess I didn't want to. The words came out of my mouth before I even realized what I was saying.

          Stiles seemed to believe me, but in my defense it wasn't really a lie. I did want to find the body, but it wasn't bothering me as much as I was leading on.

          "Me too." Stiles responded, "The killer probably moved the body. To hide the evidence."

          "Which half of the body did the police find?"

          "Bottom half."

          "Which means it'll be a lot harder to ID the body. No facial recognition, no finger prints, no dental records."

          "Fair point, which also means there's a killer running around Beacon Hills with the top half of a dead person, who can't really be caught until the police find the top half."

          "Well, when you put it like that it's very comforting."

          Stiles chuckles as we pulled up in front of my house.

          "Are you going to be okay?"

          "I can live with the disappointment of not finding a dead body, Stiles."

          "That's not what I meant, I meant are you going to okay now that there's a killer on the loose?"

          "I hadn't thought about that, but thanks for bringing it to my radar."

          He smirks, "No problem. See you tomorrow."

          I hum my agreement as I climb out of the car. I unlock the door and go inside. After calling my parents and Jax's name I figured none of them were home, and I figured they wouldn't be for a while.

          I did my homework, finishing it quickly, as usual. I ate a lot of food watched reruns of my favorite TV shows but got bored after a while.

          No one was home yet, so I figured Jax would probably be with Lydia all night, Scott was at work, Stiles was going to try to get some information out of his dad about the murder, and as for Allison I didn't have her number.

Out Of The Shadows • Derek Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now