Chapter 22

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Stiles and I jump out of the jeep and begin running through the school. Most people were gone by now but we occasionally bumped shoulders with someone. Stiles had a tight grip on my hand as we both stumbled into the boys locker room. Scott was sitting on a bench with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Dude, we have a huge problem." Stiles exclaims out of breath.

"Trust me." Scott pauses still staring ahead, "I know."

My eyebrows raise as I sit beside him, "What happened?" I ask with a small voice, the only voice I could muster at this point.

"Peter was here." He tells us, his hand trails back to the back of his neck, "Derek's with him now."

"What?" I question my voice cracking.

Stiles looks over to me, holding out his hand for me to take. I stayed motionless so he sat beside me wrapping his arm around my small frame and pulling me beside him.

Scott nods slowly beside me, "I-uh tried to remind him that Peter killed his sister, but he said it was a mistake. That it happens." He lets out a sigh before stuffing his face into his hands, "Peter's going to keep coming after me. And Jackson just keeps bugging me about turning him. He's dangling Allison over my head. I can't do this!" Scott yells slamming his fist into one of the lockers.

I perk up to see the dent in the now deformed locker, "You don't have to do this alone, you know? You still got Stiles and me."

He looks over to me before looking down to the ground and nodding, "I know. It's just hard, I just feel like it's all on me." He sighs, "Jackson is blackmailing me into giving him the bite, and Peter is trying to force me to join is psychotic pack. I know you two are here it just feels like it's all me, everyone's looking to me."

"Dude." Stiles starts standing up and moving over to him, "You got us, alright? We are a team. What's on you is on all of us. Okay? And we'll figure it out okay?"

He nods again but when he looks up to me his eyes widen, "We also have another problem."

"Figures." I mutter, with a huff.

"I heard Kate talking to Argent, they think Jackson is the second beta." Scott says keeping his eyes locked on me.

I slowly look up to him with wide eyes my, "Please tell me you're kidding." He shakes his head slowly, "Dammit!" I scream, slamming my foot into one of the lockers and nearly knocking over the row in the process. Scott caught it luckily.

"And we also still don't know why Mrs. Hulk over here has super strength." Stiles comments as Scott manages to stabilize the row of lockers.

"That is most definitely not a priority at this point in time." I retort.

"I'm still very curious." Stiles comments quietly shuffling his feet.

I roll my eyes, "Trust me so am I." I take my hand through my hair, "We'll just need to watch him, I guess." I let out a sigh, "I'll keep an eye on him at home and if anything happens or I need help I can call you guys." They nod but then my eyes widen, "Dammit!" I yell again slamming my hand against the bench as I got up.

Out Of The Shadows • Derek Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now