Chapter 21

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            "Yo, D—Derek." Stiles says without meaning to.

            Derek puts a finger over his mouth and gestures angrily towards the door. Stiles gets up from his chair, almost falling in the process, and goes to the door. I walk over with a little more grace. The sheriff smiles at me when I come into view.

             "What'd you say?" He asks.

             "What? I said 'Yo - d - dad'." Stiles says with a 'duh' sort of tone.

             His dad looks at me, obviously not believing him. I shrug my shoulders and he brushes it off. He's probably heard weirder things from his son.

            "Listen, I've got something I've got to take care of, but I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game." He smiles brightly, obviously extremely proud of Stiles.

            "My first game. Gosh, great. Awesome. Uh - Good." He stammers

             I glare at the stammering idiot, "I think what he means is its awesome you're coming and great that he finally gets to play."

             Stiles nods his agreement, and Stilinski lets out a small chuckle.

            "Thank you for the translation." He says to me before looking back to his son, "I'm very happy for you. And I'm really proud of you."

             "Thanks. Me too. I'm happy and proud - of myself."

Both his dad and I stare at him oddly. Although by this point I should be used to stupid things Stiles says. So should his dad. And as that thought crossed my mind Stilinski shrugged off Stiles' weirdness and continued to smile.

"So they're really gonna let you play, right?"

"Yeah, dad. I'm first line. Believe that?"

"I'm very proud."

"Oh, me too. Again, I'm - " His dad moves to hug him and Stiles let out a surprised noise, before hugging him back, "Huggie - Huggie, huggie."

"Nice to see you Juliet." He smiles giving me a hug as well.

"You too." I say, letting out a breathy chuckle as he pulls away.

"I assume I'll be seeing both of you there?"

I nod and he smiles as he walks away.

"Take it easy." Stiles calls after his dad, immediately regretting it.

His dad looks back at him confusion written all over his face, he looked like he was about to question it but instead shook his head and walked away. Stiles opened the door to his bedroom, and I walked in first.

            "I'm sor - oh!"

            I turn around at the sudden noise, to see Derek had Stiles pinned to the door. I hop onto Stiles' desk, suddenly wishing I had popcorn while I watched them. This is incredibly entertaining.

            "If you say one word - "

            "Oh, what, you mean, like, 'Hey, dad, Derek Hale's in my room - Bring your gun'?" Derek backed away from him but still had a grip on his jacket, and I was honestly impressed by the sudden strength and confidence coming from Stiles' voice, "Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy."

            Stiles smacks Derek's shoulder, and Derek's gaze dropped to where he had just hit him then returned to Stiles. Derek nodded his head, letting go of Stiles and fixing his jacket. Stiles smirks, doing the same thing with Derek's jacket and walking by. Derek makes a quick jerking motion and Stiles nearly collapses in fear.

Out Of The Shadows • Derek Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now