Chapter 10

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Hey guys! First off I want to say thank you!! I have over 1.5k and it's really exciting for me.

Secondly, for a while I've wanted to switch point of views and so I'm finally doing it!! I may switch it randomly in the middle of a chapter so don't complain about it because its just the way it worked out. Enjoy!!


Juliet's P.O.V

I sat in English with Scott and Stiles while Stiles asked a million questions that Scott didn't have the answers to.

"If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" I'm sorry a million and one.

"I don't know."

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

I'm just done counting.

"I don't know."

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?"

"I don't know! Jeez."

We got our tests back and I got an A. Like usual. Hey don't judge in case you haven't notice I'm either on Jax's leash or at home, what else am I supposed to do?

"Dude, you need to study more. That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?" Stiles said to Scott.

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school today."

"That's my boy."

"We're just studying."

"Uh, no, you're not." I mumbled.

"No, I'm not?"

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de - balled." Stiles said almost yelling.

"Okay. Just - Stop with the questions, man."

"Done. No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha or Derek."

"Especially Derek." I said quietly.

"Who still scares me." Stiles added.

After class I ran off to find Allison and Lydia.

Derek's P.O.V

I walked through the school looking for Scott. He's the only other person that would be able to help me. I could feel the wolfsbane spreading with each step. It was taking all my strength not to shift in front of all these people. As I walked I caught a familiar scent. Juliet's, but it wasn't quite hers. It was a lot like it, but it wasn't the same. Her brother. I saw him at his locker and walked up to him.

"Where's Scott McCall?" I asked but in my mind it was more like a demand.

"Why should I tell you?"

Classic Whittemore. Nothing like Juliet.

"Because I asked you politely, and I only do that once."

"Hmm. Okay, tough guy." She was right he does think he's tough, "You know, how about I help you find him if you tell me what you're selling him?" What the hell is he talking about? "What is it? Is it, uh, Dianabol? Hmm? HGH?"

"Steroids." It was a question but came out as a statement.

"No, girl scout cookies. What the hell do you think I'm talking about? Oh, and, uh, by the way, whatever it is you're out selling, I'd probably stop sampling the merchandise. You look wrecked."

What a dick.

"I'll find him myself."

I started to walk off. He grabbed my shoulder.

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