Chapter 23

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I stand frozen not sure how to respond, Scott seemed wary of the whole situation. He seemed mostly distrusting of Hallie. But at this moment my mind was spinning so I didn't have much time to dwell on it.

           "Wait." Scott shakes his head, speaking for me since I clearly can't, "What are you talking about? Who are you?"

           "I'm Hallie Peterson, old friend of Juliet's. I had to leave Beacon Hills at the end of freshman year." She explains with a shrug, before she looks back to me excitedly, "So I got this hunch after you told me it was just you who was supernatural, and not Jackson. But I had to talk to Deaton before I could tell you."

           My eyes widen as I stare at her, while Scott looks back and forth between the two of us expectantly, "Well spit it out already!" I exclaim pushing her shoulder lightly, "What kind of freaky thing am I?"

           "You're what's called an Amazon." She tells me with a calm and steady voice.

           "Like the Amazon rainforest ?" Scott questions with a quirked brow, "That doesn't make any sense."

           Hallie rolls her eyes at him but Deaton begins to speak instead of her, "Have you ever heard of an Amazon warrior?"

           I shrug nonchalantly, "There somethings in Greek mythology referencing a race of female warriors known as Amazons. It was actually based on some truths, Scythian women are the real-life Amazons the myth is based off of. Antianeirai." Scott looks at me with a funny expression, "It's from the Iliad." This just causes him to furrow his brow even more, "Seriously Scott? I read okay? You should try it sometime."

           Deaton smiles at me, "That's what you are. Your an Amazonian warrior."

           "I don't understand." I shake my head, "They were trained, I wasn't."

           Deaton lets out a small chuckle, "You're a different type of Amazon. There's the culture and then there's the supernatural creature. They stemmed from the original culture, but the adopted supernatural abilities." Deaton pauses for a moment pressing his finger against his chin as he thinks, "Think of it like this, survival of the fittest or natural selection. As the Amazonian culture became exposed to supernatural threats some began adapting traits to better fight off those supernatural threats."

           Hallie nods excitedly, "Like the found a werewolf that was ten times stronger than them, then they became stronger. Is a werewolf was faster than them, they became faster. Amazons have a knack for being incredibly smart and cunning. Almost detective, having a bit of a sixth sense when it comes to gut instincts. They are also drawn to tiring sports and some sort of athletic activity."

           "What about Jackson, he's not anything?" Scott interjects.

           "The Amazonian gene is only passed down through women." Deaton answers, "Since you're adopted its safe to assume this is what your mother was."

           "If Jackson has a daughter would this be passed down to her?" I question, ignoring the adopted comment.

           Although I will say, it was nice to feel like I had a piece of my mother with me at all times. I know even if I wasn't an Amazon, if that's even true, I'd have her genes; but it was nice to be able to identify somethings that was all her. And not just all her but from her to me. Like a gift she passed down to me. It may not be something she had control over, or something like an old family heirloom but it was still special to me.

Out Of The Shadows • Derek Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now