Chapter 8

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Just to warn you guys I do curse in my books so, just letting you know.


They both looked at me with wide eyes wondering how I knew that. I shook my head and walked off. They ran after me.

"How did you know that?" Stiles asked.

"I was best friends with his little sister. She didn't make it through the fire. I asked him he told me."

"Wait you've been talking to him?" Scott sounded angry, but right now no one was more angry than me.

"Yeah. How else would I have gotten to the woods on the full moon?"

"Are you mad at us?" Stiles asked softly.

"Hell yeah!" I spun around looking at them both, "you made him to to jail for his sister's death! He already lost Cora! Now that he lost his second sister and you're going to blame it on him?! You might as well blame him for the fire! Not only did you make him relive that, you made me relive that. And you," I said looking to Scott, "the saddest part of all is that you only did it so you could play a fucking lacrosse game! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I lowered my voice and split my gaze between them, "What's even sadder than that is that I trusted you, both of you."

I walked off and went outside. I saw Derek and ran to him. I flung myself into his arms.

"Hey, I told you it would be okay." He chuckled.

"Shut up. I was worried about you." I said pulling away from him.

"I know. Let me take you home."

"How about you come by tonight, come in through my window. My brother will get really suspicious if I didn't go home with him."

"How will I know which window is yours?"

I took off my beanie and handed it to him.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Follow my scent, you're a werewolf aren't you?" I smirked.

He chuckled. I walked away from him to find Jax. I went to his Porsche and he came over a little later.

"Took you long enough." I laughed.

He didn't say anything and just got in the car. I got in and looked at him concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He spoke harshly.

I left him alone since sometimes he needs to cool down. When I got home he went straight to his room. I ran up the stairs and went to my room. I changed into sweats and a tank top. I turned a saw Derek already sitting on my bed. He tossed me the hat and I put it on my dresser.

"How long have you been there?" I asked laying next to him.

"Long enough." He smirked and gave me a wink.

I turned as red as a tomato and dug my face into the pillow. He laid next to me and pulled me into his chest.

"If it makes you feel better you have a hot body." He smiled.

I laughed but that only made me blush more. He kissed my head causing me to look up at him. I grabbed his face roughly and pulled his lips into mine. Our lips moved in a rhythm, a hot, steamy rhythm. I pulled away after a minute and was completely out of breath.

"Will you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course." He smiled.

I big smile formed on my lips and I curled up into Derek's warm embrace. I closed my eyes and began to drift off. I woke up still in Derek's arms and smiled. He was so peaceful when he sleeps. he was actually adorable when he was asleep.

"Juliet, I know you're watching." He said keeping his eyes closed.

I giggled and kissed him softly before getting up. He groaned when I pulled away. I took the box I had on my dresser and opened it up. I looked through the pictures again. Derek came up behind me and hugged me placing his head on my shoulder like before. He kissed my cheek then kissed my neck.

"Come back to bed." He whispered in a husky tone.

Before I could say anything he picked me up and laid me gently on the bed. I giggled as he hovered over me and kissed my neck.

"Derek?" I asked.

"Hm?" he said still kissing.

"Is anybody else here?"

He looked up to me then his eyes turned blue. I looked closer at him. He looked back to me with a smirk.

"No one else is here."

He kissed me me passionately.

"Derek that's not why I asked." I laughed against his lips.

He frowned against my lips. I pushed him off of me. He groaned, I laughed at him.

"Come on." I motioned to then door.

He put a pillow over his face. I rolled my eyes and went down stairs without him. I turned on my music and started dancing while making pancakes. I also made eggs and some bacon. I heard the floor creak behind me and saw Derek standing there rubbing his eyes. I spun over to him and attempted to make him dance with me. He laughed at me as I tired to get him to dance.

"Come on! Dance with me!" I begged.

He rolled his eyes. I went up on my tippy toes to kiss him. He smiled and pulled me up so I didn't have to do all the work. Before we kissed he moved past me to the stove and kept cooking what I had started.

"You are such a tease, and I will get you to dance with me someday. You just wait." I said crossing my arms.

He hummed his disapproval but kept cooking.


This is mostly a filler chapter and I know it's short! Sorry I was going to write more but I wanted to move to the next chapter!! I'm still getting back in the rhythm of things, anyway thanks for your support. Thanks you guys are the best!!

If you ever want me to do a shout out or read your stories or follow you send me a message or comment or something!

If you want to see the outfits Juliet describes follow me on Polyvore at Callie4578!

Anyway follow, vote, comment, and tell others to read! I love you all!!


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